Owned by Pugs

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Exhibit B

Benjamin and Henry

When I got home from work last Friday, I took the pugs out in the yard and they each picked a spot to relax. Luna was on my lap, Benny in the shade and Henry in the sun.

These puggers are such creatures of habit.

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Predictable Benny, Henry and Luna.  But isn’t that comforting in a lot of ways?  I think it is.

I brought Romeo home last night, and while it was sad, it is also where he belongs. His ashes are in a white plastic box placed in a black velvet pouch with gold embroderied letters that say “Until We Meet Again At The Rainbow Bridge”. 

Again to everyone, you are wonderful people, and I love you all for your prayers, your thoughts and your very kind expressions.

mary castagnoli


Well - we like what we like!  (so sweet that La Luna likes her laps).  The 3 Amigos should sing (as well as pugs can):  “We’re all in our places, with bright puggy faces!”  woof woof

SUE VDB:  Getting my Molly’s ashes home seemed to put some closure on her leaving for me.  I received some really thoughtful and comforting cards (especially from her vet) that I keep under her little box on my dresser also.  May your heart ache a little less every day - and I know it will.  Sending hugs your way, Sue.



What a pair. Luna is probably thinking she has the best seat being on Mom’s lap.



It looks like Benny is laughing his little head off. I love how Luna is a lap dweller smile And sweet Henry snoozin’ in the sun.

I think it’s wonderful that Romeo is home. God Bless Sue VDB. Hugs and prayers! xoxo

Pug Hugs from Bella & me



I think Luna picked the best spot
Sue VDB I am glad Romeo is home I know when I lost my Daphne I felt better when I had her home with me I hope the pain is a little lee each day



They are creatures of habit, sometimes a bit OCD..lol
Love how predictable they are, sun-lover laying in the sun, shadester… happy in the shade and Miss Luna, Lap Diva!
Sue VDB, wonderful that you can have Romeo with you.  I had never heard of pet cremation before, and we now have one in our little town. It is most comforting ((hugs))



They are so sweet in their habits!

Sue VDB, I’m glad that Romeo is home, right where he belongs.  I like what is embroidered on that bag, too.



From the looks of Benny, he’s plotting something in that little head of his.  I think Luna’s got the right idea.

Sue VDB, I section what the others have said.  That is so nice that they go the extra mile to give Romeo a precious outer cover complete with Rainbow Bridge.

Lilo n Me n Tux


Such creatures of habit.  Lilo loves the sun too.  The only way she will lay on the lino is if the sun has shifted and is no longer shining on her bed she is laying on.  I noticed today, Tux is doing the same thing.  Follow the leader lol.

I agree about having Romeo home.  Our dear Bear was cremated wow, 15yrs ago.  He is out at the cabin at the lake which he loved so much.  He liked the peace and quiet out there.  I used to greet him when we would go there, but it upsets my brother for some reason.  But I know he is happy!

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