Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Epic Hotel in Miami

It was raining when we arrived at our destination in Miami, the pet friendly Epic hotel. So we scurried from the car to the lobby to get checked in. Our room was on the 25th floor, so that meant that the first adventure for the pugs in Miami would be the terrifying elevator.

The whole ride up the pugs were low to the ground, bracing themselves and looking at each other with questions looks. As soon as the doors opened 3 pugs sprung out of the moving box and were very happy to be back on what seemed to be solid ground.

We meandered through the halls and found our room. The pugs loved this part because they found a few room service trays. They had no idea where they were, but any place that leaves food outside of doors is great to them.

When we got to the room, we unleashed Ben, Henry & Luna and then they were off to explore the room. They smelled every nook and cranny to get a feel for their new digs.


They also got acquainted with their new view from high above the city.


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Minnie and Mack


Wow, Miami!  Love the hotel, too. Can’t wait to hear about the photo shoot with Amanda and Puglet.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



What an adventure for the dynamic trio… an elevator ride!  Awesome view!



I feel EXACTLY the same way when I’m on elevators, although Cocoa has yet to experience the horror device.

mary castagnoli


Look at YOU, BENNY!!!  What a wonderful view - and just great mental pictures of the Pugs-3 on the elevator and checking out the room service trays in the hall!  Has all the makings for an “Eloise-at-the-Plaza” type of book:  “Epic Adventures - with Henry, Benny and La Luna!”
Looking forward to seeing pics from your “shoot”.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Please tell me you took video of the kids in the elevator!  I bet it was hilarious!!!  I’m loving these posts about the trip to meet Puglet and be in his book!  What an adventure!



the view from the room is beautiful I would have love to see the three in the elevator



Sounds like a true adventure! And the view is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see more!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me

Sue VDB and Annie


If only they didn’t have to ride the square enclosed box to begin their new adventure in the hall and room; however, they seem to have recovered quite nicely…ir ate least Benny has.



This is a great adventure, and I love reading about it!  Whenever I’ve seen discarded room service trays along a floor, I’d never considered the wonder of such a thing from a dog’s perspective!

Baby Benny does look quite comfortable in that high-rise!



Food in the hallway ... Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty hope they get to experience that next month in Milwaukee! Can’t wait to hear more about meeting Amanda and Puglet!



He looks so happy!  Enjoy your trip!

Karen B


I would love to go to Miami!  Awesome adventure!!!  Have a blast, guys!

Hellen Norton


WOW!!! what a great trip! Know the pugs in joined it more than you did! Pugs seem to enjoy changes and finding extra goodies everywhere!



Oh Benny, what are you going to do?  A little nervous are we? 

Look at that view. The three pugs scoping out the room would make a hilarious video.  What an adventure.  However taking care of “business” may be harrowing as it requires more time in the moving box.

And Oh, to meet Puglet.  I bet he has some choice words the more his human takes pictures of other pugs.  The nerve of Amanda!  Oh, if he just had more time with her thumbs.

pug mama


Live it up, puggies smile  Hope you had a great time in Miami.  Can’t wait to hear more about your trip!

sue states


Benny looks quite the gentleman-as for elevators & the 25th floor-I prefer nothing higher than the 5th floor or lower and stairs-although stairs are becoming difficult due to a knee that doesn’t seem to like them! Pug hugs to all from the Colorado 4

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