Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 17, 2013


Henry and Benjamin

Last Friday, Benjamin and Luna took a trip to the vet to get some things checked out. Henry, even though he didn't have an appointment, went along for moral support.

Our biggest concern of late has been Luna's breathing. Since "unofficially" being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension we have tried a few different medicines to help with Luna's labored breathing. However, things have not been going so well as of late, so we took Luna to the vet to have an EKG done so we can find out more about what is going on.

The EKG as it was explained to us sounded like a simple procedure. Four alligator clips would be attached to the loose skin by Luna's elbows and knees. Once the clips are attached, the machine will be able to monitor Luna's heart. Sounds easy enough. But, then they informed us that Luna would need to lay on her side for the test and that she would need to not be panting during the test. That was the real issue. With her labored breathing, Luna is pretty much always panting. After all, that is why we are coming to the vet! Luna has been panting more and more around the house and we knew that the excitement of going to the vet is sure to get Luna worked up.

Luckily, we found out this information the day before the appointment, so we had time to come up with a plan. We called the vet and asked if Luna could go into the room where the EKG would be performed as soon as we arrive. Skipping the waiting room, would spare Luna from interacting with the other dogs and the nervous excitement that comes with waiting. The other key to this plan would be that Benjamin and Henry would not accompany Luna into the EKG room. This would keep Luna away from all of their nervous energy. This plan sounded like a stretch, but we knew it was really our only hope of keeping Luna calm enough for the test.

Step 1 of the plan, whisking Luna away to her own private waiting room, worked so well that Benjamin and Henry were left sitting in the waiting room wondering what happened to Luna.

Surprisingly, our plan worked and Luna was able to lay on her side, without panting, and have the EKG done. She did such a wonderful job and I was so incredibly proud of her!

Now that the test is over, the hard part of waiting for the results begins. We should have the results later in the week and will let you know how things went.

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Minnie, Mack and Mario


Hi Guys!

We will be waiting on pins and needles, too, waiting for the results of the EKG.  Thanks for the info on how it is done and what you did.  Always good to know.

Lots of puggie juju coming Luna’s way.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario

PS:  We don’t always comment, but read your blog everyday!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Where’s our Luna?  That’s what Benjamin and Henry speak to me in this picture.

Sweet Luna praying that whatever is found is very treatable,  You know all of us at OBP will be concerned right along with you.  You are not alone in this.

Heather you are continually in my prayers.

Tessa, Wally and Little P


The wait is always so nerve wracking.  We send all our best to little Luna and are hoping for nothing but good news.



we will be waiting right along with you Corrine for the results praying all is fine



Luna is in our thoughts and prayers—-what a brave little girl and a very smart plan for the EKG. Sharing on OBP really helps me with Meiling’s health issues—many thanks!

P.S.  Heather hope you are doing OK.

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix



Hoping things will improve with your breathing and you receive a good report from your EKG.



Obviously we are going to be on pins and needles with you.  What a smart plan to keep Luna from getting riled up waiting for the EKG.  Blessings on you, little one.

Heather and Jill, hope today is better for you.  You are, of course, in our thoughts and on our prayer lists.  Hope the weekend treated you both kindly.  Let us know.

Cooper goes back to the vet today.  He is limping more and the whatever-it-is is somewhat larger.  May be time to take him to the pugs vet and stop messing around.



Lots of prayers heading your way Luna. And for Corrine too. So glad the test went well.

God Bless Luna!



Hope all goes well with Luna’s tests. The boys sure look like they wanna know where their sissy went!

xoxo   Patty

pug mama


Sending lots of prayers towards little Luna today.  I’m sure she felt the boys’ moral support, even through closed doors.



Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. Baxter had two very small episodes Friday, but nothing Saturday or Sunday. I’m praying with all of my might. I’m still awaiting word on my stuff.

Luna is also in these prayers as is Cooper, Huckle. Never a dull moment with our precious little ones.

I’m so proud of Luna for doing so well during her tests!  Big smooches to her and her two big bros who are obviously wanting her back with them in this pic.

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