Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dynamic Duo


One day, one of the boys had the bright idea to lift their leg and pee on the screen enclosure that goes around our pool.  Since the pugs know that they can not walk through the screen enclosure, they treat it like a wall and they are unable to comprehend that the little holes in the screen let their pee pee go through to the other side of the deck.

When they first discovered that the could pee from the outside of the screen and it would land on the deck they were quite pleased with themselves.  It was like they just found out they possessed super powers.  They could now pee through walls!

While Batman & Robin think of this as a glorious thing, I’m not too happy with it.  I have tried to make them stop, but they have me on a technicality.  They are in the yard outside when they go potty!  The only requirement I have ever had was that you go potty outside in the yard, I never specified exactly where in the yard.

To deter them from going potty through the screen, I built a little garden next to the screen and filled it with plants.  It worked for awhile as the plants became their new favorite thing thing to pee on.  But then, the boys changed things up and started peeing on a different part of the screen.  I didn’t really want to plant another garden so I got a little bamboo fence that you stick into the ground.  It isn’t very long, but it covered the main spot where they like to go potty.

It worked for awhile, but then the other day I spotted Benny doing this.


Come on Ben!  Must you?  The boy doesn’t have much smarts in other areas of life, but when it comes to peeing on things he is a genius!

The way I see it, I have two choices.  Take the easy way out and get more bamboo fence or for once and for all train them not to pee on the screen enclosure.  While it does irk me to have to squirt off the deck so often, I keep thinking back to when Benjamin & Henry were puppies and the never ending potty accidents I had to clean up in the house.  Those memories make this screen issue seem trivial.  This is about as close as they come to having potty accidents and that makes me one lucky woman.

I have 5 animals and, knock wood, they all go potty in the proper places.  The only issue is my two superheroes that sometimes abuse their super powers and pee through walls.

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If you can train them not to pee on the screen YOU have super powers!  smile



I just have to giggle…Batman and Robin have a leg up on you!  LOL More bamboo fencing it is!!!



Boys will be boys smile  I see more bamboo fencing in your future *giggle*.  I agree with Karen, and Heather love the leg up comment!

I also love little Luna snoozing away on the chaise lounge, too cute!



LOL, and yet I can emphatize with the frustration.  Training them now might be a very difficult task, since they have been peeing on the bamboo, so more bamboo might be the answer.  Oh the delights of pugs. Wish I could be of help.



This entry cracked me up!  I don’t have to worry about such things with my lovely lady pug. wink

Good luck with the fellas.



Best of luck with this!  After years now, Hooie still rips it up in my house and all over my plants outside, I feel your pain more than you know…I hate hate hate cleaning hardwood floors with the removers but we gotta do what we gotta do.



I have the perfect solution:  Retrain the boys to squat instead of lifting a leg!!  Yeah, good luck with that.  I loved this entry, it really made me giggle.  I’m fortunate also that I don’t have to worry about that leg-lifting thing with Sleighbelle.

patty hunt


I thought I might die laughing at the last squirt! That is one smart dog! I love the way they train us.

Karen B


Oh, my Gosh!  That is sooooo C.J. and Toeby!  Mostly C.J.  If you figure out how to make them stop peeing where you don’t want ‘em to, PLEASE let me know!  I’ve tried the sprays and they don’t seem to work.

This post has me in stitches, probably ‘cuz it hits so close to home!  I’ve even thought of getting a fire hydrant!  LOL!



Today’s post is soooo funny!  And all the comments, too, but I especially love Heather’s observation that they have the leg up on you!

All I know is if a dog wants to do something, they will.  I think it’s because they have so much free time on their paws to plan and strategize.



“so much free time on their paws”...ahahahahahaha…Love it Martha!



Picking up some more of that really cute bamboo fencing is SO much easier than trying to train a couple of obstinate Pug boys not to pee some place that they find quite appealing wink
With the addition of more fencing they’ll soon find another place that just as good, if not better to mark their spot grin



It is so funny to see Benny hiking his leg where the fence ends.  These pugs are just like a bunch of kids. Good luck in your decision to make them stop. This picture is really priceless.



I would just buy more bamboo. But I’ve got two 1 1/2 year old pugs who are still resisting potty training and it’s difficult. I know they KNOW where to go, not sure why they’ll just get it into their head to poop next to the couch. Or pee ON th couch every once in a while. Ugh!

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