Owned by Pugs

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dry Nose


I'm sure there is an official term for it, but do any of your pugs suffer from "dry nose"? Henry's nose gets very dry on the very tip and if it get dry enough it will actually flake off. Luna's nose is sorta the same way, but not as bad as Henry's.

Luckily, just a little bit of Vaseline for a few days, clears things right up.

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Minnie, Mack and Mario


Mack also suffers from dry nose during the cold months.  We use Nose Butter, which is sold by our rescue org, Mid Atlantic Pug Rescue!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



All the time, even in the summer.  Anything we’ve tried has worked fairly well, but only when the pugs leave the stuff on there and don’t lick it off!  That is the biggest challenge.



Our vet said a little neosporin but I hate to use it because they lick it off!!

sue states


No dry nose here in dry air Colorado-go figure-you’d think with the thin air & altitude it would be a problem. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Nose Butter.  Only thing, Annie fights it and I don’t know why.

sue wooding


I have been lucky with my six but my first group of puggies my male use to get it real bad and the vet said to use vaseline and it worked



Yes!  Bennie gets it, too.  The first time I saw it, I was really worried because it seemed his nose was flaking off.  And yes, he fights vaseline and then tries to lick it off.  And then I’m concerned he’s making his dry nose worse. 

I’m going to look for nose butter.  The cute name alone makes me want to try it!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


I don’t like Vaseline because it contains petroleum and I can’t think that is good for a dog to lick.



I think that it should be something that 1) keeps the nose moist, and 2) won’t hurt the pug when licked. I tried Vasoline with Ozzie but am going to switch to nose butter. The name sounds butter! Also, I’m going to try to be more diligent about keeping it on his nose. How about during Ozzie’s many naps? zzzz



Bugsy is my first pug ever with that problem. I use Aquaphor. I have heard of a product called “Snout Soother” that works well too.  Chubbs the Wampug uses it!

pug mama


My old departed Abby had a very dry nose, and we used just a dab of vaseline.  Lily seems to have no problem with this but then again, she licks her nose all the time anyways smile



My Wheezy gets it all the time. I use Bert’s Bees Hand Salve or Bert’s Bees Lip Balm. Both work great on her nose and my skin too.

Steve Lindhurst


Dolly has it constantly.  If you pick at it for a bit, it will come off, no pink spots or blood or anything bad.  I think it’s just dried mucus (boogers,sorry). The only problem is it annoys her but doesn’t seem to hurt her.  I tried Neosporin but she licks it off.  She’s a licker 24/7 drives me nuts.  I hadn’t tried Vaseline I may just give it a try.



Hyper keratosis, aka dry skin. My groomer recently suggested using an anti fungal spray on your dog. Apply with a cotton ball. I haven’t tried it yet. My one Pug Ramses gets it pretty bad, at the moment he’s hardly got any at all.



Vitamin e



I have been using coconut oil on my pugs nose
It works well and he likes the taste

Steve lindhurst


I will try the coconut oil.  My wife has some.

Stacia Gnoinsky


My pug Blossom has dry nose I use bagbalm it seems to work but I put it on every single day till it clears up.

Steve lindhurst


I frequently use Bag Balm.  It works really, really well, except for the part where Dolly hates it and pouts for an hour afterwards.  I only have to do it about once ever week and a half.  I still haven’t tried the coconut oil, I keep forgetting (getting old ain’t for sissies).

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