Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don’t Mess with Luna


After I looked at this picture, I thought, if you don't know how sugary sweet Luna is you might think she has a bit of a mean streak. I think she is practicing her best, "You better stay out of my puff pillow!" look.

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OOOOO Looney, you got some ‘tude girl, I like it!  A little spice is good for the soul.  Reminds me of how my Sugary Sweet Baxter looks when he snarls at his bro for trying to snag one of his nuggets…which doesn’t happen often, but when it does I give him props - boy’s gotta stick up for himself against his youngin’ lil bro!  *giggle*

Hope all pugs and people are feeling fine…you are all in my thoughts and prayers!



“You wanna mess with me and my puff pillow?  Just try it and see what happens.  I’m little but I’m mighty.”

Darling Luna, you rock baby girl.

Hoping and praying for a happy and healthy weekend.



My goodness, does that ever look like a high definition picture of the princess.  Keep ‘em guessing, Looney.  I think you nailed it Sue VDB.



Call it mean, call it whatever you want: I still want to smother Luna with hugs and smooches!



I don’t think she looks mean.  I think she’s thinking about something difficult…probably algebra!  Or maybe something even more difficult: how to convince Corrine to serve five meals a day instead of three!



I have to keep coming back and looking at our beautiful diva…this pic of her is stunning, snarl and all!  Loving those glossy peepers pretty girl!



I think she looks adorable as always she looks soulful
Corrine I didn’t get owned by pugs in my email this mourning had to go to my favorites to bring it up hope its a one time thing cant be without my daily pug family



I think I can hear Looney saying “Get that camera outta my face.”  In a nice way of course. Looney Tunes, I love you so! And I’m with Sleighbelle, I want to cover you with smooches.!

Ok…I know I’m going overboard with this but….Pip was throwing up all night last night. It was terrible. He threw up yesterday afternoon and so I took him to the vet ‘just b/c’ and the vet said maybe it was the pancreatitis still. So we brought him home. And proceeded to puke up everything. He couldn’t even get a drink of water w/o puking. So I took him in first thing this morning and they wanted to keep him. I couldn’t give him his insulin or anything. They are going to x-ray his abdomen to look for a mass or something. But they did take an extra just a few weeks ago and there was nothing there so hopefully it will show nothing again. So I’m asking for more prayers for him. My poor baby. Thank you so much everyone. smile



Oh Gina, poor poor Pip…this hurts my heart, poor lil’ guy.  Prayers definitely still coming and please keep us posted!



Gina, hang in there sweetie.  Poor Pip has had a time being sick.  I just sent up a prayer to St. Francis for him, and will continue to keep him in my prayers, as you.  Good thing I have St. Francis on speed dial.



Oh my goodness ..poor Pip!  hope the Doc will find out why he isn’t up to snuff! and quickly.
Sending out prayers for Pip and all other sick puggies, may they be well soon.

Miss Luna, that is an attitude shot for sure!!



Gina sending prayers for you and Pip you both have been through so much lately I hope he is feeling better real soon



Boy do you have a gaggled OBP at the ready and praying for Pip and you.  Keep on letting us know what’s going on.  What an awful thing for you.  I know a bit how you are feeling since I had to call the vet at home Sat. night when Georgie couldn’t stop coughing and I didn’t know what to do.  It’s scary and I understand.  But you and Pip have lots of prayers and support from us all.  Is he staying overnight?  Be strong.



Thank you thank you thank you! Huckle! Is Georgie ok? My goodness. Sending prayers up for you and Georgie.

Now Pip has to have an ultra sound of his pancreas on Friday. They think it should’ve been healed by now. They are looking for necrosis which is maybe part of his pancreas is dying. So they would need to go in and remove the dead part. Holy cow. My little boy doesn’t need surgery. argh! I do get to go get him and bring him home in an hour but I have to bring him back tomorrow morn.

Thank you again everyone.



Oh Luna..what a pretty face.



I didnt get this till 7:51PM????? was worried this AM!!!!!!



Roberta, that happens to me occasionally, and I figure there is a glitch, so I just log in to ownedbypugs.com and get my fix.  I did that this morning.  Now if I did that and it wasn’t there, then I would be very concerned.



Thanks Sue…...I was beginning to feel left out!!!!!
In the meantime i got my calendar and LOVE it…...all the pugs are amazing!!!!

mary castagnoli


I’ve been checking on all of you in OBP - but haven’t been adding comments as it is busy time at work & home right now - BUT - please know that GINA and her PIP and HUCKLE and her GEORGIE have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.  Please, St. Francis - comfort and protect these sweet pug-babies.  Their health and happiness makes us all have better days. Thank you and Amen.



Mary, very sweet. Thank you so much! Hugs!



Mary, didn’t see your post until this a.m.  Thank you for your good wishes and concern.  They are very much appreciated from all of OBP.

LiloNme(aka Gwen)


Oh Luna, I love this picture of you! I think it may be one of my favourites.

Gina, I’m so sorry to hear about Pip not being well again.  I am hoping as i catch up here there will be better news. 

Martha lol @ algebra!

Mary, i know how that is too be so busy and sometimes just read, and not comment.  We only hope when we don’t see some of our friends here they are only busy and all is well w them.

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