Owned by Pugs

Thursday, July 28, 2011



This is a picture of Henry with one of the new bones the pugs got the other night as a treat. Henry had been chewing the bone for a good hour at least and in this picture he is done chewing and ready for a little nap. However, he doesn't want Benjamin or Luna to get his bone, so he just sits with it in his mouth. He must have sat there for 15 minutes or more before his eyelids finally got too heavy. The joys of siblings.

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*giggle*  Hank does look like he’s struggling to keep those peepers open!  I must stay awake, I must stay awake!  You’re so handsome Henry…I bet all that chewing wore you out!  Kiss to you sweet boy…

mary castagnoli


Sheesh, Henry!  Just put it under your pillow and sleep on it.  (sometimes I think puggers like adding the extra drama to their pug-lives - they’re so non-confrontive, as a rule - they’ve gotta to SOMETHING to keep things interesting!

You’re a luv-duck, Henry - no matter what!



too cute Heather : “I must stay awake..”
It wouldn’t take much to start swinging a bone back and forth chanting “You are getting sleeepy, You are getting sleepy…”  and see Henry close his eyes and do the pug snore!!

Henry you are all wore out… your bro & sis wouldn’t think of taking your bone..would they??



I think “guard duty” conveys the exprssion on Henry’s face.  He is not about to let go of that bone, but oh sleep wins out. 

Romeo will cover his up with his paws, and nobody will dare come near it then (I’m sure this is what he is thinking), and when all is said and done nobody does because the others are just as tired.

Silly pugs.



Corrine, that’s a funny story.  So typically pug.  My Abby would be the one to do that.  She thinks the “newcomers” should be ready to go home any day now.

Now if Henry were a giraffe, he would only need a quick 10 minute nap to get restored…and save his bone. (Our zoo just had a baby Masai giraffe born so that is why I know that.)

Awwww, poor Henry, no really good place to hide his bone.  What’s a pug to do?

susan states


Henry you are too adorable! I couldn’t help but think of the travelers insurance commercial with the little dog and his bone. No to worry Henry, your bone is safe,too. Pug hugs from the Colorado



this picture of Henry is so cute he does look sleepy my Emma when she get tired of chewing she will place her two front paws and chin on it while she sleeps



Henry ~ you are so funny. We used to have a yorkie when I lived at home with my folks who would carry his bone around b/c he didn’t want the others to get it. He would jump up in a chair and try to bury it. Then he would sit and guard it. And growl at the other dogs if they came near. And the funny part is they had forgotten what he was doing and didn’t even care that he was growling at them! He was a hoot.

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip

crazy pug lady


Hey Hank.  Maybe you could consider sharing if they share with you first?  wink

Karen B.


susan states, I thought the same thing…I LOVE that commercial! I’ve never seen a pug bury a bone…Has anyone else?

Henry, I know how it is…Toeby always steals C.J.‘s “chewies”...He’s very territorial that way…



Henry you are adorable and I don’t blame you for guarding that bone!

My Dixie tries to bury her bones or certain treats which is funny since we live in an apartment.  She either tries to bury them in her bed, in the couch, under a blanket and once or twice she even tried to bury it behind me while I was sitting on the couch.



Oh Gina, that is so funny.  I can see it now (having lived it also).  Judy, how about a sand box?

Lola's Mum


Henry - you totally crack me up. Thanks for the giggle!

Mary M.


Hank’s face is hysterical:  it looks like he’s saying “nobody better even THINK about touching this bone!”

Karen B.


computers~I think you’re on the wrong blog, we’re talking about pugs here!



enry ~ you are so questionable. We victimized to human a yorkie when I lived at housing with my folks who would pack his white around b/c he didn’t necessary the others to get it. He would parachuting up in a spot and try to plant it. Then he would sit and detachment it. And emit at the additional dogs if they came hot. And the rum line is they had unnoticed what he was doing and didn’t symmetrical want that he was cry at them! He was a cry.

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Karen B.


Corrine, I think you’ve got a couple “spun-ola posters” out there…

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