Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doggy Bag

Henry and Luna

Whenever we go out to dinner we always make sure to bring the pugs home a little something. My favorite part of bringing home treats for the pugs is to see what they eat first. Last week, we brought the pugs home a few pieces of steak and leftover vegetables. Not surprisingly, the pugs went for steak first and then the only good pug to eat all his vegetables was Henry. Benjamin and Luna were wishing we brought home more steak.


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oh my luna is thinking “should i eat this"i just love those looks hugs to you all smooches to my luna.



I love how how Luna is just looking at the veggies as if to say “why did you have to bring these home?” And then she turns away in disgust.  This is just so funny.



Luna:  mhmm.. veggies??  I would like more steak please”
Benny:  “I’m with you Luna… more steak please”
Henry:  ”  nom, nom, slurp… mmmm   veggies!!!”

Too cute!!  Love this gang sooo much!!

mary castagnoli


B&L:  “What’s a Veggie??”



Our pugs are veggie-holics! For some reason they can’t get enough of green beans and carrots. Oddly, they aren’t too big on steak :/



I love this picture! (I think I say that about all the pictures!)I love how Looney is staring at her food! They look adorable! When Bella first came here, she would smell people food but then politely decline it. But now, when we offer a little bite here and there, she gladly accepts. Not quite like Pip though. smile He would scarf and then ask what he just ate.

Pug Hugs to everyone from Bella & me!



looks like they enjoyed the left overs

Hellen Norton


WOW!!! Next time you need to bring the WHOLE steak home for these guys to share!!

Dakato does not get table anything! She is down to 14-lbs and looks like a long, short pug! Still lossing her “hang down” from having her three BIG babies! She does like pieces of cooked Chicken breast. She does love the little carrots cooked! Gets canned Chicken and rice canned food. One can will last three days.



Gina, your comment about Pip was funny.

Luna and Abby share the ‘stare down your food’ thing.  I always wonder where she thinks it is going.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Love this picture. I never think to bring a “doggy bag” for the doggies. (who am I kidding, like there’s ever anything left over when we go out). When we do go out its to “wing night” and usually I come home to Lilo trying to shove her head into my mouth to get whatever I ate.  Wish that Lilo liked the veggies. She is one fussy pug and if she likes something one minute she won’t like it the next. I guess one could say she has a more “discerning” palate lol.

Lol Gina @ your comment about Pip. Tux and he must be kindred spirits.  I always say that Tux would eat the garbage, and the pail if it weren’t nailed down!!

Love to all from Lilo n Me n Tux

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