Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Doggie Bag

Benjamin, Henry & Luna waiting for a taste of steak

We went out to dinner the other night and I wanted to save some room for dessert so I brought home a piece of my steak for the pugs.  The pugs rarely ever get any type of red meat so they got very excited when the smelled the steak.

Luna had a hard time “leaving it” while I took the picture.  She was ready to pounce and claim that steak all for herself!

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These babies are amazing.  If I come home with leftovers, my girls are all over me.  and if I put it down, there would be no “leaving it”—there would only be “scarfing it down”.  You’ve done a great job with them.  I hope Luna got her share!



Can you come over and teach my gang some manners?  Although I have to say Marty does real good…the rest….well….



Ditto with Punchbugpug…! You’re welcome to come over and teach my little monkey’s some mannors!



What well behaved pugs you have. There would not be a scrap left at my house, not even the box. 
Where did you get the flexable halters I see B, H, and L wearing in their photos?  I have been looking for one for Brandy.



You are brave! LOL! My boys can smell anything edible that is in any kind of box/bag the MINUTE I walk in the door - they just know! And of course they know it’s for them! LOL!
There is no way in hell that I could pull off a shot like this! You are good! LOL! Frankie would be on it like white on rice and the container would be gone as well!
Soo cute!



Isn’t it funny how pugs just know that it’s for them when you come in the door from dinner with a “doggie” bag?  Of course, it doesn’t help that I tell Rocky and Adie that I’ve brought them a “Puggie Bag”, let them sniff it and they then jump for joy and nip at my feet until I get into the kitchen and start cutting up some meat. If they don’t feel as if they’ve received enough of this special treat and I put the rest away in the fridge for the next day, they just sit and bark at me as if I’ve deeply wounded them.  Hound Dogs! Chow Hounds!  That’s what they are!



Isn’t it funny how that picture shows their distinct personalities (as I have come to know them from your blog, anyhow)?

The looks on their faces, who/what they are looking at, their body positioning.  Interesting!

Corrine - OBP


Hi Linda,

Benjamin, Henry & Luna all wear freedom harnesses.  We sell them hear:
They have worn them for over a year now and we love them.


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