Owned by Pugs

Friday, March 2, 2012

Deep Thoughts by Benjamin the Pug


After about 15 minutes at the dog park, you can usually find Benny deep in thought. What is he pondering? I imagine he is thinking, "Hmmm…what haven't I peed on yet?"

Have a great weekend!

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What should i do next"lol you are such a cutie benny hugs coming your way.



BaaaHaaaa!!  What haven’t I peed on ... yet??
Such a deep thought, Baby Benny… question of the day!
You are deep in thought, love you much!
Happy weekend all… we got 15 cm of snow yesterday… pretty much first major snow fall we’ve had (unusual for us, we usually get snow long before this and it stays around) but it was a fairly mild winter, and I was enjoying it.  Mr. Skittles hopped like a rabbit trying to get his business done this morning, and did not complete the task… I think it was because he couldn’t sniff the ground and do his usual ten turns til he finds the perfect spot!! Maybe later smile
Enjoy your weekend, be safe everyone!

sue states


Oh Benny, you look like your trying to remember if you had hit that spot already or not. My gang does the circle thing,too, as if they are coming in for a landing. I get dizzy just watching. Have a great week-end with pug hugs from the Colorado 4



Oh Benny. You are so sweet and you look so worried. Many smooches to you and your wrinkles. They look delish!

Counting down the days until Susie Dog goes home. I’m terrible. She is pooping in the house! Eek!! Makes my husband really super mad which is actually entertaining really. (shame on me!)

Have a great weekend everyone. Pug hugs from Bella, Susie Dog *sigh* & me.



Benny you look so deep in thought must be trying to figure what tree to water next
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend
Gina thanks for my mourning chuckle



hmmm,  I wonder if I closed the kennel door before I left.



Wonder what is really on your mind Baby Benny.  You certainly do look like you are deep in thought. Maybe your mom is right about wondering what you haven’t peed on yet.  You boys are so funny.

Already looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday, and wishing everyone a great weekend.,



About Doing Now.  I love this video.  OBP people, if you haven’t seen this, please click on the link.  This kitty evidently is doing a great job.



Sue VDB: Thanks for mentioning “about doing now”. I would have missed it.
I love reading what everyone has to say!
A safe and enjoyable weekend to everyone.

pug mama


lol, where hasn’t Benny peed???  LOL!!!! 

I have been having issues posting, so hoping this works today!



He really does have a “deep thought” type of expression on his sweet face!

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