Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Last week, Cupid gave us our latest medical scare. On Monday, after we got home from work, Cupid threw up. We didn't think much of it at first because Cupid throws up from time to time. However, a short time later, Cupid threw up a few more times. Eventually, she got up a good sized hairball. After that, I thought that was the reason for her upset stomach and that all would be OK after that. However, things were far from OK after that. Cupid continued to throw up and started drooling. In addition, she kept laying down. It was almost like she couldn't hold her self up.

We decided to take Cupid to the emergency vet. My thinking was that Cupid might have eaten a gecko or some other bug that wasn't sitting well.

The emergency vet, did some blood work and Cupid's glucose levels were off the charts. This would be a good indication of Diabetes, but glucose levels can spike when a cat is stressed and Cupid was definitely stressed. The emergency vet gave Cupid fluids and some medicine to calm her stomach and told us to take her into our normal vet the next day for further testing.

We headed to the vet the next day, and our regular vet took a urine sample from Cupid to see if there was sugar in her urine. The only thing that would cause sugar in her urine would be Diabetes.

It took a few minutes for the test results, but it was confirmed that Cupid had suger in her urine. In addition, she also had bacteria in her urine. The bacteria is an indication that Cupid has been diabetic for some time now.

To control the diabetes, Cupid will need to be on insulin shots. We were given a tutorial on the insulin dosage and how to administer the shots.

We started Cupid's insulin shots the same day. Right now, Cupid gets shots twice a day. Lucky for us she is a champ at taking her shots. She doesn't wiggle and is fully cooperative.

There are a few more vet visits in Cupid's future. We need to do some follow-up testing to make sure that we have the right dosage of insulin to make sure Cupid's blood sugar levels are at a good point.

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We had a kitty, Smoggy, who was diabetic.  We gave him insulin shots daily, and he, also, took the shots without any problem.  He lived to be a ripe ole age!

We hope Cupid will adjust easily to the routine of being diabetic and also live a long happy life!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Let me see.  I believe Henry is ok; Benjamin is doing ok, but can’t grow hair; Luna has the eye drop regimen, plus the bacteria, which hopefully is clearing up, plus the cough; now Cupid is diabetic and has injections twice a day.

What do you do in your spare time?  Sounds like I am making light of everything, but honestly you are the best pet parents, and the OBP gang is very fortunate to be where they are.  That is a lot of work.

Wish all pets were this fortunate.

Cupid appears to be looking at us with a “woe is me” look, but Cupid you are getting the very best of care.



She is the most beautiful, snuggly love bug.

I’m so sorry she had such a rough time of it but am so glad it’s a seemingly easy fix.

Please give her a big smooch from me.



OMG, we never even think of Cupid having health issues.  Poor baby.  Cats seem to hide illnesses until it’s a big problem.  She looks so sad but will soon feel much better with your good care.  Any pet of yours is a lucky pet indeed.  Pug hugs Cupid.



You are the best pet parents—- Cupid looks wiped out, but very contented!
Hope everyone and their pets have a very Happy and safe 4th!!!! Meiling will be hiding under the covers when the fireworks go off!!!!!



Oh Cupid. Sounds like your Mama has this under control. Sending good kitty vibes your way Cupid! Make sure your brothers and sister take good care of you. I bet you can drink from the same water bowl…for awhile anyway.

Happy and safe fourth to all the American OBP’ers.



you poor little angel (cupid) you are in the best hands possible! love to all at obp land!!!



Thank Goodness u are so diligent!!!  Yay Cupid!  So glad you’ll be ok!!!



I have to agree with everyone Cupid has the best pet parents you sure have had your hands full lately Corrine
Hope everyone has a safe happy 4th



What a good Momma you are to be on top of it!  I am sorry that Cupid has this problem.  My son has a diabetic cat who gets injections, and it has worked very well to control Jake’s diabetes.  I hope you have just as much success with Cupid.

I’m glad Cupid is cooperative.  Jake is good as gold about his shots, and I’ve almost wondered if he understands they’re for his benefit.  Lots of hugs to Cupid ♥

Mary M.


Corrine, thank you for filling us in about Cupid’s diabetes.  You are a wonderful pet mama and will take good care of her, and the pugs- they are so lucky to have you as their mama!

Peace and love,
Mary M.

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