Thursday, August 23, 2012
Er…correction. Maybe it isn't such an alert pug protection system after all.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Er…correction. Maybe it isn't such an alert pug protection system after all.
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hahaha….That’s a pretty boring job, you have to admit….
So cute and true!
Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario
“Don’t worry mom. I may not look alert, but it’s my disguise! I am totally keeping an eye on those treats.”
Absolutely hilarious!! Hank needs a coffee break!
Oh how funny. So sleepy. This is hardwork posing next to this sign.
Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me
Must be the end of Henry’s shift! Benny, are you on duty next?
I think Henry’s just trying to fool the criminals into thinking he’s easy. Just wait…
BTW, I answered yesterday’s pic as if it were today’s - DUH! OH well. It might explain why I wondered why there were the same pic of Henry yesterday and today!
another great mourning chuckle with my coffee
Henry, the next time you and Mama negotiate your job contract with APS be sure and ask for cable so you can watch Animal Planet when things are slow.
Good one, Kathleen!
Yep, I think Henry is more alert that one thinks. It is simply boring, but let someone or something try to sneak past and I bet the alarm goes wild.
Henry is definitely alert & on the job-one question how much does he cost and is he easy to operate? Pug hugs to all from Pastor Sue & the Colorado 2
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oh i love this one what a guard puggy.