Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Coned Again


Guess who has ended up back in his cone? After a long stretch of Benny not being very itchy, his itchies are back. This time, however, we got the cone on him before he gouges out part of his eye.

I hate to see him in the cone, but it is total necessary evil. I'm hoping this latest bout will only be for a few days and that his meds kick in soon and relieve his itchiness.

In the meantime, I think the look on Luna's face pretty much says it all, "Benny, the one man wrecking crew, is back in business!"

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This is so sweet poor benny hope he feels better soon luna you are so beautiful as always.

Minnie and Mack


Oh, poor Benny.  Mack gets the itchies, too, but he doesn’t get near his eyes, thank God. We’re sending puggie juju over to Benny for a very quick recovery!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



Poor Baby Benny.  The look on his little face is “miserable”.  “Don’t look at me”.



Hellen, where are you?  We haven’t seen you for some time.  Hope you are ok.



This must be the itchy season…Georgie keeps on demanding “winkle wubs” on his face, and even Abby would like a few.  Don’t know why, I just itch them as needed.  Hopefully they won’t end up in a cone.  Poor Benny.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Not the Cone of Shame!  Poor guy! I love that he is hanging his head as if embarrassed.  I love your kids Corrine!



Poor Benny..it is allergy time in Florida!



Oh Poor Baby Benny. That is definitely the cone of shame look on his face. I hope his itchies clear up soon.

All three look wonderful! I would love to smooch you all!

Pug Hugs from Bella & me



poor Benny hope the cone is for only a couple days



yes, Benny looks totally miserable and embarrassed… Poor Baby Benny xo
Luna has the look of “Oh no, not the cone again!!”
Trio of cuties, lots of love xo

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Great picture! Henry looks as if he’s trying to stay out of it!!!



Oh poor Baby Benny with his itchies!  I hope the medicine kicks in ASAP!  Here’s a ♥ for him to feel better.

sue states


Oh Benny, just think of yourself as an honorary member of the “cone Heads”(SNL). Luna, love the expression as if to say:Ok Benny, not again! Pug hugs from the Colorado 4






It’s a miracle…I have been unable to comment for the last two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for asking about me, I’ve been having serious OBP withdrawals and felt totally left out!!

Everything happens for a reason, though, and perhaps this happened to get me ready for a daily life that I’ve not known before now.  Not sure who knows my deal, but essentially I’ve been working full time and finishing my master’s degree by night.  Well, as of Friday I will no longer have my “day job” as I embark upon my last semester at school, student teaching all day every day. 

Exciting as I’m realizing a lifelong dream, but terrifying because I will be unemployed with no income or benefits, something that has never been my reality since I’ve been in corp. america for a couple decades.

With all that said, my daily presence on OBP will not be possible when I start teaching next week.  A shock to my system I’m not ready for, but technology forced me to get a taste these past two weeks.

I love you all and you are all a part of my daily thoughts and prayers, even if I’m not here posting.  I hope I will still be considered part of the OBP Fam and will be popping in just as much as humanly possible to contribute!!!

Benny, you poor guy.  If it’s any consolation, you are still a heartbreaker in your cone, handsome!!



Heather no matter where you are you will always be a part of OBP family friends are forever I will miss your daily comments but look foward when you are on the blog

pug mama (aka Jen)


you getting in good TV channels in through that satellite dish, Benny?



Henry and Luna are saying “We don’t care how the cone looks, Benny, we’re with you”!



Heather, I know everyone is glad to hear from you.  I feel sorry for you though, because I’m not sure how I would cope without my OBP fix.  Heck, weekends are sometimes hard to take.  Please be sure to tune in when you can.

I’ll be sending you emails, and hope you can respond.  If not, I understand.

Hugs to you, Baxter and Mr. Cole from Sue VDB and Romeo.

BTW Romeo has gone from twice a week acupuncture treatments, to every 10 days, to two weeks, hopefully to three weeks, and then again, hopefully to once a month maintenance treatments.  Prayers work.



ROFL pug mama Jen. 

I think Henry is saying, “Isn’t there something else you can do for him, Mom?  This is so embarrassing !!!!!

Love to you all, esp. Baby Benny.

Hellen Norton


Oh Bennybaby you do not know how happy this old lady is to see all you lovely babies!!!

Had to change my information when bellsouthno longerworked…not a easything to do. Took days, really.

Benny I am sorry you are having to wear that darn thing around your beautiful head BUT you will be well soonand rnning after the ones that laughed at you!!1

Dakato will be here on Jan.31st. Daughter Karen is flying down to Houston and wonderful Carolyn will be there to hand her over. I am counting days.


Hellen Norton


Oh Heather ow pround I am of you. This is really a wonderful thing to finish!!

Love you Gal

Grannie Pug



Heather! So happy for you but sad we won’t see your comments. You will always be a part of the family here. Good Luck to you and when you can, pop in to let us know how it is going. Hugs to your fur babies!

Pug Hugs from Bella & me



Hellen, it is so nice to hear from you.  Only 13 more days for you…how excited you must be.



Heather, good luck to you dear.  Hope your teaching is as fulfilling as you hope it to be.  Where in the world would be without teachers.  It can be a grueling occupation as administrators, state obligations and teachers all do a two step.  But knowing all that going in can ease the tension and prepare you as well.  I’ve typed enough dissertations to be aware of the rigors masters degrees can be, whether or not you are on the dissertation track.

Hellen, I think we are all counting the days to Dakota with you.  Oh the excitement, the pleasure, the pug.

Sue VDB, I take that as a great improvement as Romeo gets to lessen his need for the procedures.  I am so glad you can get them and he can have them.

Pug mama, perhaps I’ve overlooked some comments by you but have just noticed you’re back.  Hope things are going well.

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