Owned by Pugs

Friday, January 12, 2007

Chow Time

Luna chowing down

This blurry photo is of little Luna 2 seconds after we feed her.  Once we put Luna’s food down she dives right in.  And when she dives in, she inevitably spills bits and pieces of her meal all over here placemat.  She doesn’t let this slow her down, though.  She continues to scarf down what is in her bowl and then she circles around her bowl gobbling up any pieces that were flung onto the floor.

Luna’s messy eating habits drive Benjamin crazy!  You may not know this, but, Benjamin is food obsessed.  So to have stray pieces of food flying around while he is trying to eat is a huge distraction for Benny.  Before Luna came along, Benjamin & Henry had a pact.  If the food was in their bowl, the other would not touch it.  However, if a scrap were to fall on the floor, it was every pug for himself and may the fastest pug win.  So when Luna slings her food all over the floor, Benjamin feels as though that food is now fair game.  So, he of course, leaves his bowl, knowing that no one will dare touch it, and tries to eat all of Luna’s scraps.  If this was just a piece here or there it would not be a problem.  But Luna routinely dumps half of here dinner onto the floor every night.  So we have to fuss at Benny for scooping up all of Luna’s kibble or Luna would miss out on half her dinner every night.  Whenever we fuss at him, Benjamin gives us a confused look like, “What?  Its on the floor!  It’s fair game!”

We have also tried to get Luna to slow down and take her time when she eats, but we haven’t had much luck.  I guess we are going to have to try bigger dog bowls.  Although, the dog bowls are just a formality to her.  I think she would prefer it if we just dumped her food on the floor.  It is pretty much what she does at every meal.

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our little dublin is a piggy eater, too.  we are getting her to slow down a little by putting a ball in her bowl that she has to eat around…so far it seems to be helping.

Lola's Mum


I have heard about the ball thing, as well - the special bowls that are sold wouldn’t work with a puggie face.

Really, really funny photo. Completely made my morning!

Corrine - OBP


I’m going to have to try the ball trick.  Thanks for the tip!



Luna and Miko have the same eating habits! She just swallows things done in a huge gulp (only after dumping most of it out of the bowl, which Meimei helps clean up for her afterwards).  We have tried packing the food down and putting something in the bowl (although we were afraid she would eat that too!) and nothing works.  Oh well - pugs will be pugs smile



Instead of eating at his bowl in the kitchen, one of my pugs insists on taking mouthfuls of his food out of the bowl and ferrying it out to the dining room rug, where he spits it out and then eats at his leisure before going back for another load!  The other pugs (7 total at the moment!) are so intent on gulping down as much as they can as fast as they can they take no notice of his more relaxed dinner style…until they are finished and he still has half a bowl left!  No one touches Bailey’s bowl though, not even when he is out of the kitchen, as they can hear him growling under his breath all the way out in the dining room! So far Bailey hasn’t insisted on fine china and candlelight with his “formal” meals, but I figure it’s only a matter of time….

Corrine - OBP


Ann,  You had me rolling.  That is so funny.  Bailey sounds like a trip!  It is a good thing that Benny and Bailey don’t dine together.  I think Benny would have a nervous break down worrying about what Bailey is doing with his food.

Corrine - OBP


I had that same worry, Amanda.  If it is in her bowl, Luna thinks it is food.  And she is definitely a member of the clean bowl club.



Ours tend to eat one at a time..of course unless Marty is at the bowl grumbling, then Zoey has to race over and PUSH him off the bowl.  Luna’s habits probably stem from how she was fed in the past…poor baby!

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