Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chinny Chin Chin


What is it with pugs always needing to rest their chin on things?

Henry was sitting next to me on the couch and I was plugging away on my computer. The next time I looked over, he had flipped the pillow up and was using it as a chin rest. It is the little things like that that just make my day.

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Pugs have a way of doing that…making your day that is.  There is just something about them that is totally unique. 

Hugs to you Henry.

Mark Augustin


My 9 month old Blanche does the exact same thing!



yes mine do the same as i cherish every little thing that they do.



my six do the same always want to prop there heads up maybe they can see whats going on better

Has anyone heard from Heather I see she hasn’t posted lately I hope all is ok with her



My lil man does the same thing, he props his chin on my leg when we snuggle in our chair.  I think it is sooo cute, and it absolutely makes my day!  I agree Sue VDB, my lil man sure makes my day!

Sue~  I was thinking the same thing this morning, that we haven’t seen any pots from Heather.  Hope all is ok with her and her family.



Oh Henry. So sweet! I used to have to hold Pip’s chin when he sat on my lap. And I would do it!!! They have power over us! smile 

Heather~ Where are you?!

Hope all is well with everyone!

Pug Hugs from Bella & me

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


All those adorable wrinkles are HEAVY!!!



I’ve been told that they do this because it’s how they slept as puppies. Pug puppies have the greatest head to body ratio out of any pup so it’s a lot of work to hold it up. And let’s face it - when you sleep in heaps, there’s always somewhere to rest your chin!



Henry looks like he’s thinking something really deep.  Boy, if we could just pluck their thinking right out of their sweet heads.  Or maybe not.  Maybe it’s better if we DON’T know.

As I was getting into bed last night, I was wondering the same thing about Heather and thought that maybe somehow I had missed a post from her.  But if you all wonder also, I hope we hear soon.  Sue VDB bo you know?  We are so inter-connected that we seem to think the same things at about the same time.

Pug hugs all,
Huckle chuckles!
(I don’t want to say this too loudly because there is a certain Boxer who may think he has to make up for last time, but we yeah, right ‘we’ have not had an accident in the house for 3-4 days.  Could it be he has really figured it out?  Maybe it was our threat that he was heading for the glue factory the way he was going.  Hmmm, maybe I could get a package deal and send my husband along as well?!?!?)

sue states


Hope all is well with you,Heather, please let us know. Pug pillow resting is definitely a pug thing. Huckle, hoe you don’t have to send family members to the glue factory-but if you do, please forward the address-just in case! Pug hugs to all from the Colorado 4 P.S. may have a job-please keep me in prayers!



I guess this is one of those pug traits that we all have the privilege to enjoy in our beloved pugs!

Huckle, I won’t mention a certain Boxer’s name (in case he’s reading this) but I think you’re on a good road here!  Hope a good thing keeps on going!  I’ve sympathized so much because I once had a beagle who I finally figured out went in the house because he enjoyed watching me clean up so much.  Even he came around eventually.



I got an email from Heather, saying she won’t be on OBP for a while, but will as soon as she is able…no details.  I will try to send an email to see if she is ok and can respond.



Sue VDB please tell Heather we are thinking of her and miss her

Kathleen Hanigan


I enjoy reading your comments and I look for a new picture everyday. My 6 month old fawn Puglet’s name is Ruby Claire.



I love how my pug will curl up next to me and rest her chin on either my leg or my ankle.  What amazes me is how they will put themselves into what appears to be an uncomfortable position to just rest their chin on something.



Sue, my email to Heather told her how much she was missed and how OBPers have been asking about her and hoping she is ok.

Kathleen, have you sent pictures of your Ruby Claire?  We would love to see her.



Sue, when I emailed Heather, I told how she is missed and everyone hopes she is doing ok. 

Kathleen, have you submitted pictures of your Ruby Claire?  We would love to see her.



Sue, No, I haven’t sent any pictures in yet. I have been so busy working on potty training Ruby Claire and she just had her spay operation that I haven’t had time to dress her up and snap photos.
I love this OBP- I look forward to getting on here everyday to read everyone’s comments and look at the pictures.



Oh man Kathleen, you must have cuteness overload with a 6 month old pug.  Ruby Claire, hmmmm, that’s a nifty name.

Martha, how many years are encased in “eventually”?  The frustrating thing for me is that he will give no signal if he has to go but will go if he happens to be outside.  I’ve got bells on the patio door, three pugs who mind their manners and we get really excited when the pugs want out, but Cooper just doesn’t get it.  Now it’s been four nights that he’s not gone in the house, maybe…maybe…?



I am thinking that another Pug would be a good idea to be a BFF for Ruby Claire. Although I have two rescues, a Lab and a Schnoodle, wouldn’t it be a good idea to have another Pug to be company for a Pug? I think she knows the difference between Pugs and other breeds. Maybe I am crazy?

sue states


Kathleen, Of course your crazy-it’s a prerequisite! A friend for Ruby Claire is an excellent idea-this, of course, is coming from a multiple pug home. But they do keep each other company and active. They even keep Daisey, our Boston, active,too. She enjoys playing with them and at 9 years old she is active and staying young.

Lilo N me ( aka Gwen)


I think we are all signed up to be chin rests for pug eternity! Lilo likes to lay at the foot of the recliner between my calves and rest her chin on my ankle.  It’s her favourite spot, other than in bed in and out of the blankets.  Tux has been trying to snuggle with her a little bit more when he’s calm but he just keeps going to where she rests her head and annoys her.  Tonight he decided to bite at her foot, well before i knew it he was back up in my lap looking at his paw that she just nipped enough for him to let out a little yip.  I swear that little guy is a slow learner!!

Hope everything is ok with Heather too.

Sue wishing all the best and keeping paws crossed regarding your job prospect.

Kathleen, i saw a picture on fb with a couple of pugs.  It’s said that they’re like potato chips, you can’t have just one! I love this group and am a relative newby myself.  Welcome to you and Ruby Claire.

Keeping you all in our prayers.  Lots of love, Lilo N me, and BA-Boy, i mean Tux!(found a little shirt for him that says “good dogs just never get caught!”



Thank you, Lilo-n-me (Gwen) for the welcome.
I love reading the comments, but the pictures just make my day. I am seriously thinking about another Pug for Ruby Claire so they can grow up together. My other dogs love her but they are getting up in years and cannot keep up with her. On Wed. we go to puppy social hour and she loves all of her friends.



Our pug Hector loves resting his head on toys he doesn’t want his younger “brother” Vinny to play with! I find it hilarious.

Donna Hutchison


I just found this site and would lovery to join in my pug does the head resting also I have two my male doesn’t do it im looking forward to talking to everyone.

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