Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 25, 2008

Chest Hair


Since we started talking about the scars on Luna’s back in the comments of yesterday’s post, I thought I would post a picture of Luna’s little, bare chest.  I’m not sure if you can tell simply by looking at photos, but the skin on Luna’s chest is quite soft.  On her back, the skin, where she is missing fur, is much thicker and firmer (hence scars).  For some reason, the hair on Luna’s chest has never really grown back in after she was treated for mange.  It is odd, because I have seen dogs that have had mange and are missing all kinds of fur and once they get everything treated their fur grows in as good as new.  The dermatologist can’t say why Luna’s fur hasn’t grown back on her chest, but they tell us she is no worse for the wear.  Right about now, I think her lack of fur gives her an advantage over the boys in this FL heat.

Have a great weekend!

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Our Charlie (who is also visually impaired)had a bare chest when we adopted him. Apparently, he was missing quite a bit of his hair when he was first rescued… a fungal infection. We continue with weekly Maleseb baths and daily Maleseb Pledgetts… now, Charlie has a “manly chest” full of beautiful black hair (with a white diamond patch!)Perhaps Princess Luna does not NEED chest hair.



She’s a precious little angel!



Built in air conditioning!  grin  Happy Weekend to all!



Luna is a saucy little thing…She’s going topless!  ha!  My little Birdy has almost no hair on her chest and tummy and her skin is incredibly soft and smooth.



She’s perfect.  Nobody likes a girl with chest hair!



Luna’s smooth chest does give her an edge in the heat!  As with everything, she uses what she has to the best advantage! 
Gotta LOVE LUNA : )



Well, she has very clearly had the best care available. She is a lucky girl to have found you and deserves all of the love and attention you lavish on her. Lovely Luna!



Luna is perfect as she is.



I’m with Luna….wear as little as legal in the heat. lol

I’m so sad….It’s Fri….no more OBP till Mon.  lol

Have a great weekend everybody.  I’m gonna enjoy the break in the heat we have now.  Stay cool people!...and esp. puggies.

Karen B


Girls aren’t supposed to have hair on their chests anyway!  Maybe she’s more human than we know.  Hmmm…Anyway, she’s precious as is and we wouldn’t change a thing about her.

Happy weekend all from overheated central California!



Poor sweet little thing!
Indy has very little hair on her chest as well and where there is hair, it’s thin. Its funny, when I rub her chest, it tickles her, but when i rub her bare belly, she relaxes. Silly pug! Gus is just a furry beast!

It must be a lady pug thing! smile

Enjoy your weekend!



Luna! You saucy girl you - going topless! She’s a beautiful and unique little girrrrrl!
My Frankie had bladder surgery and the spots where they shaved him have grown back really long and patchy and not at all in some places. He has little bare underarms too!
Puggy weekend to all!



Your sweet little girl is just so adorable! I love the expression on her face!



My little Marti has a bare area on her upper chest/lower throat area. It looks like her collar is rubbing her raw, but that’s not the case. She was like that when we first got her and it just never grew in. Maybe a genetic pug quirk?



How old is Luna?

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