Owned by Pugs

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Benjamin & Henry

The boys go in today to get their annual checkups, but guess who gets to tag along with them? Sol. On Monday morning she started limping and favoring her front, right paw/leg. She favors her front leg from time to time because of arthritis, but over the last few days she doesn't seem to be getting any better. So, since we are already going to the vet, we figured why not bring Sol and have her get checked out too. The only thing missing today is an eye appointment for Luna. grin

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The boys look fit as a fiddle and I’m sure they will do fine.  I hope with all my heart little Sol will get some relief and that all goes well.  They will all be in my thoughts and prayers today.  Poor little Luna has to be all by herself for a while.  What will she do?



Best of luck for a great check-up boys…and Miss Sol, I hope the cause of your limp is nothing a little asprin won’t fix!!  Will be thinking of all of you…

What is Luna gonna think being all by her lonesome??  Ha, she’ll probably love it…Queen of the Castle!

sue s


Gee Mom, is it THAT time again!?! Hope all goes well for the boys and especially little Sol-hope its just “Old Age”! And as for Ms.Luna-Try and save some pugkin bread for your brothers and sister! I just know she will! Prayers from the COlorado 2+1



wishing the boys good check-ups and hope doc can easily fix up Miss Sol.  Miss Luna getting some alone time eh?



I hope Sol’s leg problem is a minor one!  Good thing you have a trusted vet!

And it’s so cute that the boys get their checkups together : )

Corrine - OBP


We have a pretty good morning planned for Miss Luna.  It’s a perfect opportunity to get some Looney time in without having her brothers and her new sis around.  She’ll be happy to see them when they get home, but I think she will enjoy her one-on-one time.



Great picture of the boys!  I hope they have a great check up.  And I hope it’s nothing serious for precious Sol.  I’m sure Little Luna will enjoy her special one-on-one time.  Best of luck!

Karen B


Luna, enjoy your play day!  Henry and Benny, hope all goes well at the vet!  Miss Solly, doesn’t getting older just suck?  Hope you’re all fixed up and back to your adorable self very soon!



You know, I think you get the most comments on photos of Sol!?

But Benny and Henny are adorable. And I love Miss Luna, too!!!



so?  did all go well at the docs?  were they all good little puggies and they each got a sucker?  or a milk bone?

Ivy M. Andrews


Usually when one dog has to go to the vets, I take them all. That way I don’t have to leave crying babies behind. Plus they all get weighed and socialized.

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