Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 2, 2012



This weekend, there was a carnival at one of our favorite places to walk the pugs. Since the pugs go to the park all the time, we thought we would take them on Friday night to the carnival. They had a great time meeting all kinds of people and searching for dropped food.


Luna looked everywhere for tickets so the pugs could ride the rides, but she couldn't find any.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

But the pugs did find their favorite attraction. This pole was loaded with smells and tons of fun!

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It looks like they had a lot of fun at the carnival sorry Luna didn’t find any tickets but looks like the boys had fun anyways



Carnival time!!  All those yummy smells!! Hope you all had a nice time!



What a great adventure for the pugs, even if they didn’t get to go on any of the rides.

Julie L.


The pole WOULD be the main attraction for pugs!  smile !  Well, and any food, of course.  ...Maybe if Luna didn’t always spend her allowance right away on pumpkin bread and belly rubs, she might’ve been able to afford some tickets.  wink

mary castagnoli


A cornucopia of smells come with any carnival- even for us 2-legged carnie-goers.  It’s a wonder the pugs weren’t swooning with nasal overload!!  For some reason, I just had a “sense” that Solsie was along with all of you.  I just remember her passing by outdoor grillers on some of your walks and delighting in the smells, and how very pleased she was when a burger was offered to her.
SUE VDB:  Somewhat on the same topic of “senses” - I was watching LONG ISLAND MEDIUM on TLC last night and was really touched to hear Theresa (the Medium) tell a woman she met at a dog park that she was getting a strong message from this woman’s dog who had passed away some time earlier that she was happy and had no problem that her family had adopted another dog after she had passed on - and that she was there with the woman’s mother who was also deceased and they were having a great time together.  It just confirmed for me that our spirits have some commonality of attraction - makes me sure that my Molly and Schotzie are getting lots of love and attention from my mom and dad and I’m sure that Romeo is in, likewise, good company and sending you lots of love and happy thoughts as well!  You were the first person I thought of when I was watching last night.



What an exciting evening for the pugs. Summer is in the air. It was so warm here in Nebraska this weekend that my girls went swimming in their little backyard pool! Fun times!

Mary ~ I watch that Long Island medium show too but must’ve missed that one about the dog. But I believe it. I believe she is actually communicating with those who have crossed over. Animals too! My Mom passed away 8 1/2 years ago and she was a HUGE dog lover! Well the day Pip passed away, my Dad looked at me and said, “You know your Mother has him.” We got all choked up and I said yes I knew that. So I totally believe that sort of thing.

If anyone has the OBP calendars, and you switched over to April, Pip is the black pug licking the popsicle. Enjoy!!!

How are you Sue VDB?

Pug Hugs to all from Bella & me.



Mary, thank you for thinking of my Romeo and me.  I gave up TV, except for the local news, for Lent, so I am missing out on some very good programs.  I can’t describe how peaceful I feel about Romeo’s passing.  Yes, I miss him terribly, but I always think about Ben’s vision at the time,and that has sustained me.  Romeo has lots of four legged friends at the Rainbow Bridge He also has my husband, although Romeo was not here at the time George passed; however, I know he was welcomed with open arms, along with my parents and sisters.



The pictures are adorable. Maybe it’s a good thing Luna couldn’t buy the tickets. This way Luna, Benny and Henry wouldn’t all have upset stomachs after riding the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Rubys Claire’s new sister was just born so it will be around the end of May when she comes to live with us.



Sue VDB:  I am happy to hear you are feeling better.
You have such a big heart and you are a very caring person from all of your comments that I have read on OBY.
Any dog, cat or other animal would be fortunate to live with you.

mary castagnoli


AWWW, GINA!  What an adorable picture of PIP!  Those eyes tell it all - he’s really excited about that popsicle.  He looks like just a baby there.  How was he in this pic?



Thank you Mary! Actually that was taken just last summer so he was 7 years old. He loved popsicles. Loved ‘em. smile

sue states


Looks like the gang had a fun time at the carnival. I have had the experience of seeing heaven so I have no doubt that it’s real and beyond description. I just know because animals are God’s creatures,too, that they will be there waiting for us to join them. Hope this gives comfort, joy and peace to any who have had a beloved pet or loved one make that journey. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4

Hellen Norton


WOW!!! What fun the gang had!! Treats…different smells. WOW!!!!

My Dakato would spend all the time smelling!!



OMG, what a cute post! A cornucopia of smells for the gang.  You’re right Mary.   

Kathleen said it all, Sue VDB



Sue States ~ Would you mind sharing your experience of seeing heaven? That sounds amazing. I believe so much in heaven and seeing our loved ones when it’s our turn. Thank you smile



I would love to hear about your experience with heaven as well sue.



Thank you Kathleen.l



well looks like you had lots of fun there what a place for a happy pug to be.

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