Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Car Ride Lover


After basking in the sun, car rides are Henry's next favorite thing in life. When he has someone to hold him, he loves to ride with his head out window. When riding in the car, Henry loves when we pass by other dogs walking. He doesn't bark at the other dogs, but he stand ups up a little taller and sticks out a chest a little bit as if to say, "Hey look at me! I'm riding in a car!".

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Henry, I love you in camo!  Have fun handsome boy.

sue wooding


Henry you are such a handsome boy my gang all love to ride in the car also well except Abby she will howl the whole time

Hellen Norton


All our pets love to ride in the car BUT we buckle them with human belts1



Oh Henry, how happy you look.  Are you going to try for your driver’s license any time soon?  Or is it better just being the passenger?

Georgie (who else) to vet.  He had decorated that large white rabbit with blood (not a lot of it but quite a bit).  He had me frightened.  It’s a polyp near the anal gland.  The vet said it was fortunate that I brought him in right away because a day not doing so would put his life at risk if the blood went back toward and leaked into other places.  Life lesson…Gotta listen to instinct.

Heather, how is Baxter now.  Still in prayers for him, and you.



Huckle, thank you so much for asking.

It’s not too good…I hate to even “speak” the words so I won’t, but I’ll just ask that you please keep him in your prayers. He’s on appetite stimulant, but it’s not working. I’m syringe feeding him and we have an IV of electrolytes I give him daily.

sue wooding


Heather thinking of you and Baxter praying and sending a big hug to both of you



Thinking of you Heather, sending pug hugs, prayers for Baxter and your family xo

My aren’t you dashing Henry!!

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