Owned by Pugs

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Car Ride


Car rides are quite possibly Sol's absolute favorite thing to do. If you go anywhere near the garage, Sol is always keeping an eye out to see if she can somehow finagle a car ride from you. There have been a few nights where I have just considered taking her out for a little drive. I haven't done it yet, but if she keeps waking up at 2:30 am wanting to go for a walk and then eat, I might just start taking her for a spin right before bed to tucker her out. Solsey has yet to realize that mommy doesn't function well on very little sleep and that our latest sleeping pattern is making mommy a little cranky grin.

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Aww, Precious Sol!  What a darling picture.  She looks so happy!  I think I see pre-bedtime car rides in her future smile  How funny!



I understand exactly how you feel! lol

sue s


Can anyone look more happy than sweet Sol? But please, SOlsey, mommies need their sleep-so give Mom a brake(oops-break)and sleep through the night! Remember Santa Pug is watching! Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3



Sweet, sweet picture of Sol.  If you could just ignore her 2:30 am wakings, but I know that is impossible.  Solsey baby, Mommy needs her sleep, wait until later in the morning to wake her up.



Oh she DOES look happy in the car, doesn’t she!  But let’s hope Sol isn’t reading today’s post, or she’ll start a major campaign to get her 2:30 am car rides!



Look at that face! Could you find a happier pug anywhere?? Must be something in the pug lunar phase right now that makes sleeping with them, well, less than restful. Sadie who can’t make it up on the bed alone thinks she needs to go prowling through the house as soon as the light goes out! Comes back, hears another creaking noise and is up on the prowl again… and while we’re working to provide puggie treats and bones, yup, she is catching up on her sleep….



sol looks like a very happy girl I work second shift so dont go to bed till 2:30 and every night one of my pug babies gets me up abby thinks she needs to go out at 4:30 to patrol the yard so now its become habbit but at least she will let me go back to bed for a few more hours

Karen B


Aw, Solsey in the breeze!  What a great sight!

Note to Heather and Riley!

Our thoughts and prayers go with you this a.m., hoping all goes well at the Neuro’s for you!  Love and pug hugs!

Hellen Norton


Man do we know how you feel sleep wisw. Our GiGi cannot jump up on the bed and has not figured how to go UP on her steps. If she decides she wants UP she scratches on the bed tell Grannie Pug sits up and lifts her up. It is worth it having little sleep for the love you get from older babis.
Hellen Norton (Grannie Pug)
PS Sol, we love you.



Oh no! Sounds like she needs a later walk to help tucker her out!



Poor Sol, not getting her daily requirement of car rides wink



What a giant grin!

What dog doesn’t love a car ride with the window down?
Solsey is going to cause a traffic tie-up with the other drivers wanting to take a glance at her cute pug mug.

After Dad takes me for a car ride, he drives with the windows down to blow out the accumulated fur.



Sleighbelle loves riding in the car also.  I always feel badly when I can’t take her in the car with me.  She looks so hurt and offended!

Patty B.


That’s one diabolical look on her face…as if she’s thinking, “I just have to look cute and I can get anything I want, anytime I want it!”  Keep up the good work, Solsey!
Maybe they’ll even get you a driver’s license and give you a set of your own car keys!



Oh my! Just when I think I have seen the cutest picture of Sol, you come up with another one! I LOVE this!! She looks so happy and full of joy. We have so much to learn from our pugs!



I agree with Leah…I’ll just think I’ve seen the cutest photo of Sol and then you’ll take another. She’s so precious! Her personality really comes across in photos.



Claude, I do the same thing…driving with the windows down to eliminate some of the pug hair!  I love it when I’m driving and all that pug hair is swirling around the inside of the car…people probably think it’s dope smoke!  HA!



You know, I think Patty B put her finger on Sol’s expression!  It’s a bit diabolical!!  And she’s so successful with her cuteness, isn’t she?

Mark (Owned by Claude)


Sleighbelle, that is funny funny!
I was thinking the same thing except I was reminded of the tornado in the Wizard of Oz. All the hair swirling around and the witch with the little dog!



I agree with patty and martha,sol knows what she is doing and the thing of it is she is so precious as i would give her whatever she wants to,love you sol.



I dare say this is in my top 20 photos of all time. The pure joy on her face makes my spirits soar! Thanks for sharing!!

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