Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Caption This #164


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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OK, first is this just one of the cutest Looney pics ever…LMAO…she looks to be in bliss…

“Mmmmmmm…peanut butter kongs are soooooo goood…”

Sue, how is Jasper today?  I’m hoping you guys had a better night last night…thinking of you…

Marcia Martin


“Oh, that Punkin bread is good.  More Please?”



Phhhhbbbbbbbbttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!  No more pictures MOOOOOOOOOM!



Na na na na na boo boo I can’t see you!!!



Oh Luna - you are soooo clever, you can even get your tongue to make the V for Victory sign. Also you are totally precious!!
Pug hugs and kisses to the Grand Old Dame!!
Grannygoogs and the ‘Lonehill 6’



And that’s what I think of that!!!

Precious little girl.

Sue, hoping Jasper is recovering.



No, I won’t eat that!  Blaeeech!!!



Mondays suck!



I can’t even think of a comment that would come close to topping Luna’s picture today.  That is a treasure topped only by my favorite one of her September 17, 2007 “Bloopers #1” which to me is the funniest one ever.  This one is 2nd place!  I don’t know whether it is the photographer or the photographed that is superior.

Sue - Did Jasper have a better night last night?  I’m sure he’s blossoming under your care and that you can relax some.  Positive thoughts continue to come your way, and a smooch on Jasper’s little head as well.

Corrine - the new Puppia XL harness is just perfect for my fat little Georgie. I’m glad you guys let me know they had XL - guess my brain wasn’t in gear.

Pug Hugs
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs +1(who is in so much trouble with Georgie)



Huckle, perhaps you should send “Pug Hugs and Huckle Chuckles”!  Everytime I see your name I laugh!



Huckle, what is Cooper doing to annoy Georgie?  Don’t leave us in suspense.



Sue VDB - Breathing!...Cooper seems to have no sense that Georgie could hurt him, so Cooper play challenges him and then gets real surprised when Georgie goes for the gold.  Cooper also tries “blatantly” to walk off with the treat Georgie is still chewing.  No iota of brain power operating that dog.  You don’t know whether to be alarmed or amused.  It’s definitely a male problem…Cooper and Gracie play hard, running, nipping, playing tug-of-war with toys and Cooper will fall asleep with his head on Gracie’s rump.

Karen…I love that.  Can I steal Huckle’s Chuckles and use it in my signature?



Huckle, yes, by all means, feel free to use any of my silly material!  Heaven knows I’ve stolen my share of silliness!



Now if YOU can do THIS with YOUR tongue, maybe YOU’RE a pug TOO!!!!!!!  What a funny little puglette!  xxxooo

sue s


Oh Ms. Luna-you are divine! Did you get something yukey or just making a Monday statement? Whatever-love the pic!  Pug hugs from the Colorado 5



Has everyone seen the CFPR quilt raffle just below this blog?



Looks like Luna is razzing her mommy are you trying to give her cucumbers again she is just to precious

Huckle sounds like your hands are full with Cooper and Georgie my Toby is like that with both my boxers he wants them to know he is boss of the gang till Emma puts her two cents in she will let the whole gang know she is the queen of the gang

Andi how did Miss Peanuts results come out or did you already post it and I missed it

the up date on Jasper is he is doing better he has been throwing up after he eats which is when he gets his meds so I talked to the vet this mourning and we took him off one of the meds and he kept his breakfeast down yay for that each day he seems to be a little more better I know this has been a very hard time for him and me just glad it is over



Huckle, cracking up at the story of Cooper and Georgie!

Karen - love your quote!  I second the emotion and add it to Tuesday’s as well!

Sue, so glad to hear you got Jasper’s vomitting to stop!  I know how hard this has been and I continue to think about, and pray for, you both!

Yes Andi, did you get Miss Peanut’s results?  I missed it too if you posted already…



Maybe if I breathe hard enough I’ll be able to taste that smell coming from the pot she’s stirring.



sue - Did the vet prescribe an anti-nausea pill?  When Cooper1 quit eating the vet then gave him some of those. (reading that sentence, I had to laugh and will leave it as is, but I have Cooper1 eating the vet [which he would have loved to do but that’s not what I meant]).  Within a day he was eating.  The third time I just asked the vet for some at the get-go. It kept him eating when he didn’t want to and even put on weight after looking so skinny.  How are you doing personally with all this stress?

Huckles Chuckles and Pug Hugs,
the Swamp Pugs +1
(I’m still working on the signature)



I can’t think of anything clever to say for Luna.  But, Luna you are so darn cute and one precious little puggie!  smile

Sue, I’m glad Jasper has stopped vomiting and that each day he seems a little better smile  We’ll continue sending our good thoughts and prayers.

For Miss Peanut, I totally forgot to update on the test results!  We have ruled out a bladder/urinary infection, which is good.  But now we have to wait for her to be off her meds for 7 days before we can do the next test.  She will finish her meds on Sat, then we wait a week and then we will get a vaginal sample and do a culture on that to see if she has some sort of vaginal infection.  So more waiting.  But she is so feeling better now and is proving to be one spunky little pug smile



Here’s the count so far (hope I didn’t miss any of you - if so, pipe up).  Also, if I didn’t get it right, let me know and I’ll fix it.  I’m just sure I am missing some.

Andi - Miss Peanut (foster)- 8ish,Annabelle - 8 1/2, Piper - 7, Marley 7ish, Tessa Grace - 5ish
Patty B - Rocky - 8, Adrian - 8, Gulliver - 3
Sue S - Colorado 5 (Proto - 9 weeks & Sol - 9 weeks, Beauty )
Grannygoogs - Lonehill 6
Elizabeth - Mini Cooper
Heather - Baxter - 12 1/2 & Cole - 3.5 (Riley gets included, too - he’s still in your heart)
Corrine - Henry, Benny, Luna
Sue VDB - Missy (-3 teeth), Romeo
Karen - C.J., Toeby
sue - Emma - 6, Toby - 6, Zeke - 6, Abby - 6?, rescue Ollie - 6?
Hellen - GiGi
Kat - Kingsley - 11, Paisley, Grizwald
pug mama - Abby
Sue - Abby, Zeke
Huckle - Abby - 6, Georgie 4, Gracie 4, and Cooper (the Boxer)

Huckle’s chuckles,
the Swamp Pugs +1



Huckle’s Chuckles - Romeo will be 12 in November and is my only Pug.  Missy with the 3 teeth is 7-8 and is a powder puff Chinese Crested.  Minnie is 10 and is a Chi/MinPin mix.  Jassy is 19 and is a white Persian cat.  Frankie was a stray gray/white cat, approximately 3 years old.

pug mama


Luna, put your tongue back in your mouth!  No sticking out your tongue at your adoring fans.  Heard from elsewhere, Chico says “Right back at ya, Luna!”



Huckle’s Chuckles
The Lonehill 6 - Boet [aka] FoyBoy & Suster [aka] FizzabellaPop are 7 today
TinaTuner [aka] Noodle2 [rescue]  turned 3 yesterday
Buller [aka] Bullbar [rescue] +/- 4
TaiTai [aka] [rescue] the delinquent turned 2 on the 5th August
Miz Ziller [aka] [rescue] the other delinquent

Kuhsuko [African Grey - with an extremely fowl mouth] [rescue] ring dated 1989
Husband Robert [aka] Oki turned 60 yesterday

So we had a really good party last night, pugkin bread all round with lots of other
treats!!!! Try doing pugkin bread with banana - now that goes down a treat with my lot!

Andi - thoughts and prayers for Miss Peanut

Huckle - your story is hysterical, still doubled over from laughing!!
Pug hugs and kisses
Grannygoogs and the ‘Lonehill 6’

sue s


LOL!!It is always great to read the comments and up-dates on our fur babies! Hope Ms.Peanut will be better soon! Pug-hugs to all from the Colorado 5 P.S. Do husbands and grandson’s count? HA-HA!!



Sue S - only if you love them as much as you love your babies!!
Pug hugs



I should add C.J. and Toeby are both 5, about 8 months apart with C.J. being the older of the two.  He’s November, Toeby is July.



Crop it, save it, and use it as a “raspberry” award for people that annoy you.

Cute, cute!

pug mama


I think the Abby’s should have their own seperate club!!!-sure are a few of them!  I named my 12.5 yr old girl after another pug named Abby incidently:-)



Revised (there are too many Sue’s! and I think I got confused)
Andi - Miss Peanut (foster)- 8ish,Annabelle - 8 1/2, Piper - 7, Marley 7ish, Tessa Grace - 5ish
Patty B - Rocky - 8, Adrian - 8, Gulliver - 3
Sue S - Colorado 5 (Proto - 9 weeks & Sol - 9 weeks, Beauty )
Grannygoogs - Lonehill 6 -  Boet [aka] FoyBoy & Suster [aka] FizzabellaPop 7 TinaTuner [aka] Noodle2 [rescue]  turned 3, Buller [aka] Bullbar [rescue] +/- 4,TaiTai [aka] [rescue]
Heather - Baxter - 12 1/2 & Cole - 3.5 (Riley gets included, too - he’s still in your heart)
Corrine - Henry, Benny, Luna
Sue VDB - Missy (-3 teeth), Romeo
Karen - C.J., Toeby
sue - Emma - 6, Toby - 6, Zeke - 6, Abby - 6?, rescue Ollie - 6?
Hellen - GiGi
Kat - Kingsley - 11, Paisley, Grizwald
pug mama - Abby
Sue - Daisey (Boston), at Rainbow Bridge - Buttons
Pat - Pat, Mr Skittles
Huckle - Abby - 6, Georgie 4, Gracie 4, and Cooper (the Boxer)
Mary - Bella

Huckle’s chuckles,
the Swamp Pugs +1



Huckle - you left out the other deliquent - Miz Ziller [rescue] age 14 months and TaiTai is 2
Well done on your hard work - it is so nice knowing everyone’s names - Thanks for this!!
Pug hugs

the +2 are Oprah 3 and GraceJones 3 [both rescue] and lovingly referred to as ‘the black bitches’ - and definitely non racial

Hellen Norton


Miss Luna, did you just finish some peanut butter OR are you giving everyone the rasberry??? Love you sweet gal.

I also have one of my granddaughters dogs, Gwen, living with me. She is a mixed (I cannot spell the breeds right now) and a beautiful girl. She is about 9 years old. She lives with me because she does not like some people and is know to bite!!!



0pps, Grannygoogs. I wrote this out in notepad to transfer to the blog and somehow missed some of your gang.  I almost missed them all but in checking over the list, realized the Lonehill 6 consisted of no one!  It may be that I was using the wrong file and I hope I didn’t leave anyone else out.  (I don’t imagine calling anyone “black bitches” would go over too well in S. Africa).  I’ve goofed somewhere with yours because I already am up to 7 without Miz Ziller…help.

I do have some to add several names since I just discovered some I had written on a slip of paper that I just found and will revise it again for you guys.  I’m glad you all enjoying this.  I was going to put down location but am not sure I have enough to put them all down.

For now…
Marcia - Toby
Sleighbelle - Sleighbelle
Darci - Abby



Grannygoogs - Did your husband (and you) survive the first week of his turning 60?  LOL smile

Huckle’s chuckles



Hi Huckle’s Chuckles…... we eventually celebrated ‘in style’ went away for the night to a friend’s 3 *** hotel - multi purpose as had to get Oki’s aunt and cousin to a town about 100 miles from us [for them to collect their lift back to Natal] So we got a complimentary Dinner, Bed & Breakfast [for everyone !] The bird life was phenomenal, saw three ‘lifers’ and were kept awake most of the night by the Lions roaring across the road. Got home on Saturday mid-day to 6 pugs whose ‘gruntles were very diss’ed’! Anyhow we were soon forgiven as we had bought lots of ‘biltong’ - beef jerky, which they adore AND they got ‘double pug prawns’ for supper.
So all is peaceful at Lonehill and when I left for work this morning, it was cold and drizzley, so NO-ONE said Bye Mom - except the Parrot [who says it about 50 times during the hour it takes me to re-light the fire, get dressed, have a cup of green tea - so-much-so I know that his expression of ’ Oh tut up Suku” comes from me
Pug Hugs and kisses
Grannygoogs and the ‘Lonehill 6’

Marynell Saunders


Today is brought to you by the letter “N”.



Grannygoogs - that is such a funny picture that you painted of your parrot.  Do the Lonehill 6 have anything to do with him or is it all just peaceful there?  (Well, as peaceful as it could be with a gaggle of doggies.)

I have to admit to not being the brightest bulb on the tree.  I had seen the entry where you rewrote your info and couldn’t figure out how that info - that I thought I had typed up -got sent under your name instead of Huckle.  Well, duh!  Hit me with a wet noodle.  Finally I figured out you were trying, nicely, to tell me I’d goofed.

Were the lions on a reserve (I hope) or just roaming around?  That would keep you in at night, if so.  Good for you and the hubby to enjoy the day and get away from the “kids”.

Huckle’s chuckles

Linda Schlottman


Mmmm… that was so good….  If I close my eyes, I can still imagine it and almost taste it!!!

Wayne Blackman


Lets see now one puggie treat,two puggie treat…...646 puggie treats

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