Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Caption This #160


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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“What”;how sweet that look is one were all use to it’s cute wins our hearts.

Marcia Martin


Oh Bennie,

    You are just the most handsome boy.  I would just love to kiss all those wrinkles.



Benjamin, you are a heartbreaker…Oh to kiss those wrinkles!!!

Pug Mama, how is Abby doing??  Was thinking of you on my drive in…



...and Henry did WHAT?  I don’t believe it!!

Benny, you are sooo handsome

kissy, kissy



This look works on all the girls!

Elizabeth A Stratton


“C’mon, you’re not going to tell me that story again.”!!!

Handsome boy, that Ben~  Elizabeth & Mini Cooper~



What a looker you are Benny!  XOXOXO



This look will definitely change Mom’s mind about giving me more treats. 

Oh Benny, you are melting hearts this morning.

Pug Mama, how is Abby?



“Do you hear what I hear?”



“Walk…did you say walk?”

Benny, I love your wonderful winkles!  You are just too cute. smile



Watching all the little puglettes in the neighborhood wiggling their cute little curly tails just makes me dizzy!



Oh that pug look makes you melt Benny you are to much so handsome looks like he is thinking hey mom put the camera down lets go for a walk

Pug Momma how is Abby doing how did she make out at the vets yesterday?

Karen B


“Wow!  Look at the tail on that gal!”



Karen B, love your tag line!  Benny is a chick magnet, so I can certainly hear him saying that!



Benny - you are adorable at any angle.  Are we?  Love that head tilt.  You say you need a “winkle wub”...AND a belly rub?  well, all right….

Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs

Karen B


Thanks, Sleighbelle!  He’s a looker, for sure!

pug mama


You get a 10 outta 10 for cuteness, baby Benny:-) 

in other news, thank you for asking about Abby.  I kind of stepped away from more updates, because it seems that sunday afternoon made me too hopeful that she was out of the woods, which she wasn’t.  We went to the vet again on monday, they are trying a different steroid (just plain pred., not the temaril P which has an antihistamine in it, which is drying…), and she is now on an antibiotic.  But, she hasn’t returned to how good she was doing on sunday afternoon and evening. 

She is still eating well-but with a little more gagging again, her tongue and gums are nice and pink still, but any tad of movement or change or excitement brings her right back to the throws of coughing, and gagging.  And even in the very air conditioned house, she is just panting for all she is worth at night.  I just don’t know what else to say.  This has now been going on since wednesday night last week or so, with it getting much worse on friday last week. 

I just don’t know what to do.  She doesn’t seem to be suffering, but I’m in tears off and on all day cuz I am so scared of being so close to losing my baby.  Luckily, I am not working right now cuz of my foot surgery and some other issues, so I am able to be there for her 24/7, but I realize 12.5 yrs is getting up there, especially for the extent of her trachea problems. 

Last year we had a consult at the vet school regarding looking into a stent placement, and the general opinion was that it had such a little chance of helping, in addition to the extreme cost, that we decided on just keeping her comfortable.  But she is the first and only pug I have ever owned, I don’t feel ready to put her to sleep and end this, but I can’t tell how much she is suffering, she seems ok, but I wonder what I am overlooking?  We will continue to welcome all prayers:-)  thank you for keeping us close to your hearts.









Oh, come on!  Quit being silly and give me a bite of that.”



Pug Mama, prayers are still coming for your Abby. I, and I know others, are well aware of the ups and downs of our babies. Trust your vet and don’t be afraid to consult with him as to what you need to do.  Abby may be 12.5 years, but that doesn’t mean she no longer has any quality of life.  Hang in there Pug Mama.

Karen B


Pug mama~I think you will know what to do when the time comes.  Corrine knows the pain of making that decision after coping with Sol’s breathing problems…Perhaps you have some words of wisdom, Corrine?  I truly feel for you and don’t envy you having to make the decision.  Pug prayers will continue for you and I wish you all the best and much love to you, as well.



Pug mama - Having just so recently put our Boxer down, I know somewhat of the anguish you are facing.  My husband opted to continue the chemo for Cooper until it became apparent anything more we would do would be futile.  On the one hand, he kept him alive longer than I would have and we had an extra month with him.  Once his breathing resembled loud panting and he had out worn his chemo and there was nothing we could do for him, the decision was made.  I tell you this so you can understand and proceed with caution (not that you wouldn’t, but I would have).  If your vet is at all sympathetic to the bond you have with Abby, he would be the best person to tell you exactly how Abby is feeling and what is going on inside of her, and his prognosis for her pro and con.  I pray for strength for you and your remarkable little Abby.  God bless.

Pug hugs
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs

Karen B


Huck, that’s great advice…Words of wisdom, for sure.

pug mama


Huckle, that was very well said.  I am waiting for the vet to call me back, hopefully pretty soon, to talk about some of that.  I was talking about Abby’s situation with my brother last night, who reminded me, that despite the coughing, Abby is still perky, still eating well, still showing excitement, still bringing her toys to the door when I have a visitor, still gets rather annoyed at my apparent slowness in preparing her dinner-to which she says “bark, bark, bark, woof, hurry it up, will ya?????”, etc, etc.-i.e. the quality of her life is still pretty good, and I wouldn’t want to take that away from her. 

Her vitality is still in there, she is doing somewhat better, but I just hate the thought of getting her through another episode of this, just to have more and more and more come down the line.  She hasn’t bounced back as quickly this time.  Although, both my mom and the vet say this current episode is no where near the severity of her 1/2009 episode (she had to be intubated and sedated for a bit at the emergency hospital), but it is just so hard for me to see her spunk interrupted by respiratory distress.

Many blessings to all of you for the hugs, prayers, advice, opinions, etc, I appreciate each and every one of you <3

Elizabeth A Stratton


Pug Mama,
Aww, dear little Abby.  My thoughts and prayers are still very much for Abby.  I agree with all the good advice given above.  Please try and enjoy your baby.  I know how hard it is to see them in discomfort.  My little guy coughs and gets winded easily after his bouts of Krazies.  Hang in there and God Bless you.



Did you say chicken?  I love chicken.



who the heck is pug mama…and benny…and why does hthey kiss??

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