Owned by Pugs

Friday, November 5, 2010

Calendar Outtake - Luna


When I was shooting the pictures of the pugs for the back page of the 2011 calendar, Henry was feeling a little silly and Luna must have thought that she had some lunch left on her nose. I have a series of shots of the little girl licking her nose.

Calendar Update: The 2011 Calendar is currently being printed. I approved the proof earlier in the week and printing is now in full force. I expect the calendars will go on sale starting November 22, 2010. I will send out emails to everyone with a picture in the calendar on or around November 15, 2010.

Have a great weekend!

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*giggle*  Looney looks very content on something…must be a crumb or two!  Such a pretty girl!!  SO excited for the calendar!!!!  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Sue, good luck with Abby’s PT over the weekend!  I will be thinking of you both…



Such intense concentration on that pretty girl’s face.  I don’t think you take a “bad” picture sweetheart.



Half of Luna must be tongue!  I just love all pictures of Luna.  She is such a sweetie.

Sue VDB - you asked about Cooper….yesterday I looked out the patio doors to see that Cooper had drug the patio rug (about 6’x8’ or so) out into the middle of the back yard.  Not remarkable, I admit, however I had put the heavy umbrella stand in the middle of the rug on the patio.  It was still there, in the middle and he had somehow moved it without losing or knocking over the stand.  Do you think the Rescue Remedy IS working?

If you all will endulge me for another paragraph I’ll share this.  The other day I had just let all the dogs out.  Our backyard on three sides has dogs and when they go out it can get quite noisy.  The house to the east of us has a large black lab and he and ours like to run the fence line.  So, I’m standing there while our dogs run over to “Mikey’s” side and he starts running so our dogs join in on their side.  Mikey and Cooper are neck and neck while Gracie and Georgie are lagging a bit behind.  Georgie, having a shape like a fat wheelbarrow is somewhat behind Gracie who is somewhat behind Cooper.  Abby was just watching from the top step.  Cooper and Mikey get to the end of the fence and turn back, as does Gracie when she gets to the end.  Georgie must be an opportunist.  He sees the others turn and he also turns, right where he was and led the pack, for a change coming in first after all.

Never a dull…..is there!

Have a great weekend everyone, relax and enjoy.

Pug hugs,
Huckle chuckles,
Cooper…well, you know



Huckle - that would be a NO???  I can see there is never a dull moment in your household, and I thought mine was hectic.



Huckle, I love the stories of your pack!!  They keep life exciting, don’t they. grin  I like Abby’s idea though…watch nice and safe and sound on the sidelines…Who were you cheering for Abby?



“Mom, if you aren’t going to ‘powder’ my nose for this photo, then I’ll do it my own way!!!”



Luna, you are so precious.  You look so different without your harness on, what a sweet little lady you are.  I could just love on that sweet little face all day.



Luna just likes a bit of “shine” on her nose for her pictures : )

Oh my Huckle….you do have your hands full!  And that George is a smart one, too!

Hellen Norton


Dear little Luna…you are more tongue than body!!!
I feel about you like I do Sol. What a great life you have with hundreds of loyal subjects.



I have sure enjoyed all the posts and comments this week. Lots of cute pics of all the pugs, esp of Sol. So sweet. It has been pretty busy around my house this week, besides my 3 babies I having taking care of my granddog, Gracie. She is an honorary pug, not real sure of her lineage. We’ve decided to have a slumber party tomorrow night in honor of the end of DST. The pugs seemed really excited when I told them we would get an extra hour of sleep. Hope everyone has a good weekend. We’re having perfect fall weather right now in Texas.



Tammy, you hit it right on the head.  That’s why Luna looked so different.  Shame smile taking a picture of the girl without her harness.  She is such a love bug no matter what and lucky to have her two older brothers to help take care of her, except they missed her nose.  LOL



Miss Luna what a pose so cute it looks like your tongue almost covers your nose
Huckle I really enjoy your stories of your gang keep them coming
Abby is doing a little better each day when I took her for a walk this mourning Ollie thought he should go also he was out the front door before me its a good thing my front door has a enclosed area so had to get his pappia ot well the others werent to happy about them not going so had to promise them we would take turns hope everybody has a great weekend

pug mama


Luna, dear, that tongue couldn’t possibly belong to such a petite little girl.  Perhaps, you have come across a giant pink slug perched atop your nose????



Little Looney oh how I love you so. My goodness you are pretty even when licking your nose. It almost looks like that flower is in ‘your hair’.

Huckle~Have you stopped laughing yet? Georgie sounds like a treat! At least he runs! Pip wouldn’t be running. I think he would be watching. smile

We had an exciting afternoon/evening/overnight…*sigh* we’re dog sitting a sweet little ‘weeny’ dog named Susie again and she has back problems. Well out of no where she started yelping out in pain. Terrible to hear. She kept doing it so I took her to her vet and sure enough, she had hurt her back somehow. Poor dear. So she got a shot and then I have pills I have to give her. And she has to stay in her kennel and has to be carried out to go potty. Well then in the middle of the night, my 4 year old vomited IN MY BED!! Then she did it again but we made it to the bathroom that time. She stayed home from school and she is feeling better now. So is little Susie dog!

All the while, Pip is taking it all in stride! smile

Have a great weekend everyone!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Life sure does get interesting.  I bet you feel bad about Susie hurting her back in your care.  Glad she is feeling better.

I remember when my 4 year old granddaughter slept with me, and in the middle of the night threw up in my face.  That was quite an experience.  Glad your daughter is doing better as well.

Stay well Pip.

The question is - how is Gina doing?



Hi Sue VDB~I did feel very bad! But her folks are so nice. My sister and I used to babysit their boys years ago. I have since babysat their boy’s kids. Talk about feeling old! They told me that she did this to her back about 2 or 3 weeks ago while chasing a squirrel! The poor dear. So they know it wasn’t anything I did. Super nice people!

oh my gosh….throwing up in your face. Wow. Talk about a wake up call!

And thank you for asking but I am doing good.smile You gotta just laugh sometimes. Lucy is my four year old’s name and I was holding her tonight after her bath and she fell asleep and I was thinking that even though she threw up and didn’t feel so good, and the dog hurting her back, I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything…and then….Pip ‘cut the cheese’ right at my feet! I’m not kidding! He was snoring and tootin’ up a storm! What a way to end the day!  smile



Gina, I like your attitude!!



Thanks Sue! smile



Aww lil Looney . . . how sweet can one girl be? You look beautiful, even with your tongue up your nostril. LOL

At my mom’s, so finally able to visit my OBP family. Missed the daily tails…err…tales of the children.

Taj is doing better. The garlic seems to be working pretty well. And I came into a bit of money, so I’m going to buy some spot treatment (thinkin I’ll try something OTHER than FrontlinePlus this time) and see how we do.

Sue- glad to hear Abby is recovering. Bless her heart. It’s always rough to see our babies going through trials like this. My prayers continue to be with you.

Hellen- Happy Belated Birthday! Glad to hear your day was a smashing success. Sleeping til noon sounds like the best start to a day that I can think of. smile

Love you, OBP family. Hope to have net again soon so I can check in with y’all more often.

Big hugs and lots of Pug snorts

Taj & Minx



Minx, glad to hear from you again, and thankful your Taj is doing better.  FYI, because Frontline Plus was no longer working and Comfortis made Romeo sick, I have treated all of them two months with First Shield I bought at Banfield (associated with Petsmart) and it has really worked, and with no side effects.

Hope we continue to hear from you Minx.



Sue VDB - My vet suggested using a flea spot(i.e. like Frontline Plus) every two months (like you are doing)instead of monthly during the winter so that’s what I did so they won’t have to wear poison starting on the neck quite as much. 

Welcome back Minx and Taj

Your entry graphic so much I can almost smell his toot. Funny.

Gina - like your



(opps, I hit submit before I was finished.  Duh!

Gina, how does that poor -the weeny- like being kenneled?  That has to be a trial for you.  Is this dog very heavy? Best of luck to you.

Sue - When you take Abby for a walk, how does she do on that one leg?  I have been thinking about you and Abby.  Smoooooches to Abby from Abby.



Hi Huckle! It’s as if Susie, the weenie dog ( smile ) knows she doesn’t feel good so she just sits in her kennel and watches the craziness here. smile She will let out a little bark if she has to go potty. She is such a good girl. She is doing so much better so we are letting her out a little at a time.

And if you could see her, you would laugh at your own question regarding if she is heavy. She probably weighs maybe 8 or 9 pounds. She is super teeny tiny!

It is actually really easy to take care of her. She just mixes in with our family as if she is one of us! We treat her like she is so maybe thats why. smile

Pug Hugs!



Definitely something to look into. And I, too, only did it every two months. With not working the last two years (and Walmart firing me while I was on Medical Leave, then saying I quit, so I can’t even get unemployment or cash assistance), money is super tight, and I have to stretch every dollar til it shrieks. So I did it every two months, and it did fine til this last dose. So gonna check into other treatments.

Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. My little girl is already showing signs of improvement just with the garlic, so I pray that it can only continue to go up from here. My cousin (who is also a breeder with beloved Pugs of her own) said she had great success with Sevin dust. But I find myself a little wary of dusting that on my lil chewer. Not to mention my mother’s Min-Pin has a tendency to gnaw on Taj a lot, too.

Anyhow, tis midnight or after, and I’m supposed to be snuggling with my snoring little darling girl. Not sure when I’ll be able to check back in, but I shall try to keep y’all posted on my sweet Porky (is it odd to call her Porky when she weighs less than most Pugs I know? lol)

Hugs from me, and lots of loud snores coming from the other room . . .




Minx - I’m not sure you’d want to use Seven5 on your little one after you read the cautions.  I did use Seven5 on my mice toward the end of them because of a mite problem, but then all the mice died and I’m not sure which killed them.  Just a caution.

Can you smell the garlic through her skin?  Just curious.

Pug hugs,
Huckle chuckles
Cooper’s a pooper



Huckle - strangely, no. But her garlic breath could knock over a buffalo lol.  Where I used to get just sweet Pug-spit (love those kisses), now I get GARLIC Pug-spit. It’s quite an experience.  But I love the kisses all the same. And now she doesn’t need to worry about vampires, right? *giggle*

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