Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 13, 2010


Luna and Benjamin

It is an unspoken rule that the puff pillow belongs to Luna. So, I was quite surprised the other day when I saw that Ben had wiggled his way into the puff pillow bed with Luna. I guess Luna didn't mind so much because of the recent cold weather. With the recent cold snap everyone, even Luna, can use a little more pug body heat.

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oh how sweet that extra body heat feels good mine do that alot as here in the northeast it can be awful.Warm hugs to you both.



There is nothing like Pug Body Heat!  Toby is snuggled in beside me keeping us both warm.



heehee Mr. Buttinsky!!  Keep warm lil’ puggas.
There is nothing like cuddling with a pug (who will most definatley keep you warm!!)
Hope a good weekend was had by all, and today is the start of a good week.



OOOOOOOOooooooo…they look SO warm and cozy, lil loves.  Adore when the puggies cuddle up together, so precious.

Sue VDB, Karen B, and Huckle:  from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your words last week for my Riley…They mean so much to me.

Stay warm gang and cuddle up together as much as possible!  Looney, sometimes it pays to share!  Good girl!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Luna - “I’m only puttin’ up with this cause you’re warm. Next spring you’re OUTTA HERE!”



all snuggled in for the warmth my gang do the same thing when it is chilly out they pile on top of each other all snuggled on there doggie beds but I noticed its only when it is chilly outside normaly they all have there own doggie bed



Heather, I’ve been thinking about you and your gang.  I hope this week will be better for you.

Hellen Norton


Benny what a good big brother you are!!! Helping little Luna stay warm!! I bet Henry wishs there was room for him!



I love the heading! Buttinsky! So funny! Nothing like the heat from a pug. Luna looks like she is saying a big fat ‘harumph’ and Benny looks like he is saying ‘What?’

Happy Monday everyone!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Heather - we all know how irreplaceable our Pugs can be, especially those “special” ones and the hurt doesn’t completely go away. 

I agree with Gina - she nailed it.  I was trying to figure out what the word Buttinsky would apply to before it came up on screen.

Cooper is about to be smacked into next week.  It has been 5 days since he began serving his jail time and he has not the faintest inkling of putting two (in jail) and two (no potty) together.  Maybe the chain gang?  Although the weak link in the chain gang is my husband.  He lets him out, says he’ll watch him, and you can guess the outcome of that.  Grrrrrrrr!  Maybe he needs to be smacked into next week with Cooper???

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs
(I’m not claiming Cooper!)




Oh Huckle~I don’t mean to laugh at the hard time you are having but holy cow~I literally laughed out loud when I read your first sentence. I know I’ve asked this 100 times but what kind of dog is Cooper? And yes, your hubby should be punished too!!!!



Huckle, don’t be so hard on Cooper. Maybe it has something to do with his name. My last name is Cooper and we are a little scatter brained sometimes. Ha



Luna does look a littl grumpy, and yes Benny has that “what’s the problem look”, but they have to be nice and warm.

Heather, hope you are doing better this week.

Huckle, may I suggest training classes for Cooper and your hubby?

Late posting today.  Went out to breakfast with the old work gang.  On the way home my car simply was not heating up properly, so I stopped at the dealership.  $218.46 and 4 hours later I’m home, and the heater almost made me open up all the windows at 16°.  The week is going to be better though.



Brenda - you do not want this Cooper in your family!  I thinks it’s time I reread Marley.  Marley is a bloomin’ saint compared to you-know-who.

Sue VDB - they have training classes for husbands?  Sign me up!  Ohhhhhhhh….you meant training classes for Cooper with his master.  That’s a good thought.  I keep looking at the ones at PetCo.  Husband is almost through subbing so I will suggest this.  Still toasty in your car? Four hours at a dealership - yuck.  You have my sympathy.

Gina - he’s a Boxer, registered with some Canadian-type AKC.  I swear it was a backyard breeder situation.  My daughter-in-law thought this registering was one step up from other Boxers she had her sights set on. 

Luna looks so comfy and Bennie looks like he got caught in the act (of sneaking onto Luna’s bed).  Guilty!



Oh Huckly….and thats not a small dog either…eek. I’m so sorry hon. :( Wish I could help.

Karen B.


Huckle, once again, you have me in stitches!!  So far today, C.J. and Toeby are bein’-have (others know this as behaving)...I’m there with ya though…One little piddle under my tree and they may be smacked into the next millenium!

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I love my pugs but I’m not ready to forgive them yet…I’m sulking…



Aww, Luna and Benny you two look so comfy and cozy.  Benny, I won’t say this to too many guys, but I’d share my bed with you anytime wink



I too have piddle issues with Mr. Skittles



Huckle~ I just noticed that I typed Huckly! Sorry about that! smile

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