Owned by Pugs

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Busy Beach Day


Since Henry didn't have an opportunity to enjoy the sand and the surf on a recent trip to the beach (remember, we didn't sneak him on to the people beach because we sensed that we would be reprimanded by authorities), we decided that Henry needed a visit to his own beach (the dog beach). Well, since it was a beautiful day (truly ideal, actually!) we took the Hankster to the dog beach. Once there we realized how many others had the same idea we had! The beach was quite crowded. Usually we are the only ones there or sometimes there are a few other people and pets there. On this day, however, the beach was loaded with people and their pets, jet skiers, fishermen and those who didn't have anything "extra" to do other than just hang out at the beach.



Henry made it a perfect experience. He trotted down to the shore, got his feet wet then went in about chest high, took a few smacks from the waves and then he just wanted to chill. So, we rolled out a few towels and we all just relaxed in the sun soaking in all the vitamin D the day had to offer.

Henry had some passersby tell him how cute he was. Some commented on what a good boy he was being. Others asked if he could see or how old he was. Henry enjoyed the attention and even the awkward questions were still welcomed. He's not shy about his age or about his life experiences. So he was the smooth guy that was the subtle life of the party once again.

#HenryIsBoyBeachBunny #HankIsAPopularGuy #HenrySoakedInTheSun

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sue wooding


Beach day sounds like a perfect way to spend the day

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


What a wonderful experience for Henry, and for you, even with the awkward questions.  If Henry is happy, everybody is happy.

Mary M


Sounds like you and Henry had a perfect beach adventure!




Joyce Joy


I love it when I can read that Henry had an awesome day….heres to many more for your whole OBP family!!!!



He is so cute standing there!



I’m so happy to read that Henry had such a good visit to the beach!  That’s a great thing to do on a beautiful day!



Awesome!  Beach Day!  looks like fun was had by all!
Happy Momma’s DAy!!

brenda cooper


Looks like Henry was having a great time. I just know that he was the most handsome boy out there. Our poor doggies have been stuck in the house for the past 2 weeks. It has been tornadoes,hail, thunderstorms over and over. We will be glad to see sunny skies again

Christie Sachde


Looks like it was a beautiful day at the beach…no surprise that Henry was a crowd pleaser…he’s all that:)



Bless his little heart. Nothing sweeter than a happy Pug.

Denise and Gerry The Pugs Joey D and Roxie Kisses


Henry looks like he is in his element with the sun, water, sand and people giving him lots of attention

Susan States


Oh Henry, Glad you got some chill time before being visited. You must have felt like a real celebrity -which you are. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

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