Owned by Pugs

Friday, August 22, 2014

Breaking Rules


We were given a few simple rules that Henry is to follow post surgery. Most of them are pretty easy and things naturally do anyway. But some of them are just asking to be broken.

The easy ones to follow are that he is to be crated when we are not home (which we already do). No walks for a week (only go out to potty, and come back in). That one is easy for now since we are not going to push him beyond any limits just so he can go to the mailbox with us to get the mail and we are definitely not taking him on a long walk (the boy just had his kidney out! we are amazed he CAN even walk!).

After this, the rules get a little harder. He is not supposed to jump up on anything (i.e. the sofa, a chair, etc). This means that if we are not right next to him he may get a wild hair and take measures into his own paws. So, this has actually happened twice already. Grr! Turn your back for one second and he's got a stubborn mind of his own.

Then the rules get impossible! He is not allowed to have any "sun" time. The vet is concerned that if he is out in the heat too long he could be at risk for dehydration. (And that his wound could get infected by laying on his belly.) It is crazy to me that this is the hardest of all the rules to follow. And, of course, we have to confess, that this rule, too, has been broken two times. Each time, around midday after a little snackie and relieving his bladder, his routine is to spend a few minutes catching some rays. So, we have permitted him to have 3 minutes of sun time a day. We set a timer. The bonus is that Henry is such a good boy that he always comes in right before the alarm actually goes off. And so far as his wound...well, he lays on his side or back usually, so his stitches are not even in the grass or dirt. We know that these are reasonable precautions and of course we want to do all the right things but to deprive him of his favorite thing: refilling his vitamin D supply by soaking up the sun for 3 minutes just doesn't seem right. It really is the one thing that makes him the most happy. Especially as of late. So, we've been "flexible" with the rules. He's been sticking to the time limit, so i think we are good.

#HenryStrong all day long! #TeamHenry

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Look at the happiness!  Feeling better already. smile

joyce joy


What a strong handsome boy!!!  Much love to you and Henry….hope all news is good.  Sending love and prayers your way!



Look at that smile!!  He’s loving his sunshine!  So happy he is doing so well!  What an amazing boy!
#Henry Strong All Day Long #TeamHenry



Henry being happy can only help the healing!!!  #TeamHenry all the way!!!!



Don’t feel bad about “breaking the rules”—- Meiling ran up 22 stairs right after her
Gall Bladder surgery to get to our bed when I turned my head for a second!!! A pug has to stay with it’s routine and Henry looks just great and very happy catching some rays!!!



Its so great to see that big Henry smile!  Hope all goes well Monday. In the mean time, I will be sending my Jersey Strong vibes to Mr. Henry Strong! 

xoxo   Patty

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Henry is so in his element enjoying the sun, and 3 minutes certainly can’t hurt him.  Don’t think those 3 minutes are going to dehydrate him.

Just look at that beautiful smile.

Yes indeed - “HenryStrong all day long! #TeamHenry



Some rules are meant, I think,just to call attention to paying attention - - which is JUST what you’re doing with Henry.  He looks good and content.  Bless all of you.



Look how happy he is…I wouldn’t be able to deprive him either! Plus, I agree with Henry…being out in the sun does help to make you feel better!

Chris Dominick


So glad to see Henry seems to bouncing back quickly to his regular self! Yay!



Well, as far as the rules go, you just have to roll with it when one gets broken!  Pugs and wild hairs just go together, don’t they?

I hope Team Henry has a smooth weekend that will help you all to be ready for Monday. 
Much love from Bennie and Martha



#TeamHenry For Ever!
He does look happy filling up his Vitamin D Tank!

Sue States


One can just see by the smile on Henry’s face-he is mending, enjoying and IS HENRY STRONG-ALL DAY LONG! Continued prayers for great news and continued healing. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



I’m with everyone else. Henry is in his element and sounds like he is abiding by the time limit. Henrystrong all day long. Team Henry! I think we might need t-shirts or maybe bandannas for our pups. Hmmmmmm..

Have a safe trip and know that we are thinking of and praying for all of you! Smooches Henry!!!

sue wooding


I think breaking the rules for three minutes is good for Henry he looks so happy will be thinking of you on monday hoping all goes well have a safe trip

Lisa Gibson


He looks wonderful!
Go team Henry!



Hank, I say get your sunshine handsome boy!!!!  You are a strong boy and I’m praying for all great things…keep doing you the way you know!!!



He does look great!Some rules are meant to be broken.He needs his routine and if that means the sun, well what are you gonna do? Keep get better Henry! Henry Strong All Day Long!



yes, a little vitamin D goes along way, and 3 minutes outside will work wonders for this sun lover….
Henry strong xo

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