Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Boys will be boys
This weekend we planted a little garden in the backyard. The garden looks very nice, but we had ulterior motives for planting it. It seems that Benjamin & Henry have taken a real liking to lifting their leg and peeing on he screen of the screened-in pool area. Which of course means that the pee comes through the screen and gets on the pool deck and the lanai. We have fussed at them a million times for doing it, but they just look at us like, “Look, you trained me to go potty in the yard and technically I am in the yard so I don’t think I am doing anything wrong.”
So, we figured there was only one way to beat them at their own game. Plant some of their favorite plants, so that they have something to water other than the screen. Plus, the garden sorta acts like a barrier and keeps them away for the screen a bit. I say a bit, because none of them are above tramping through the garden. So far our plan is working and the boys’ attention has been diverted from the screen to the freshly planted plants.
The other thing you might noticed is that we have put down rocks rather than mulch. If we had put down mulch, Benjamin & Henry would have thought they hit the lottery. They love to chew on and eat mulch. So if we had put down mulch we would have never been able to let them lounge in the yard again.
So, Little Luna had plenty of opportunities to remind us this weekend of what a good girl she is and just how mischievous her big bros can be.
J. Lynne
Now see, I can’t little rocks like that because my Pug thinks they are just the right size to chew on.
By the way, Pugly loved his harness so much that it’s now all dirty. I’ve had to order a second one so I can have one in the wash while he’s wearing the other.
And everyone always comments on it and I always tell them where I got it from. They all love the little Z logo and I tell them it’s like he’s “Super Pug”. They think it’s great.