Owned by Pugs

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blue Gum Bandit Strikes Again



Henry enjoyed filming yesterday's stair master video because there was a smorgasbord of discarded gum off to the side of the steps. Apparently, students like to walk outside from the 2nd floor and toss their gum over the balcony. There must have been at least 20 pieces of gum hiding in the grass. At first, I thought Henry came across a random piece of gum, but as soon as I got it from his mouth, he took two steps and picked up another piece. Luckily, Henry didn't come across the gum graveyard until we were done going up and down the steps.

Leave it to Henry to stumble across such an assortment of chewed gum. If there is gum anywhere in the area, Henry will be sure to find it.

Here is a very old post about the original Blue Gum Bandit.

Have a great weekend!

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Henry and his treasures, eh?  That’s potentially a bit worrisome as there is an additive in “diet” gum that is lethal to dogs but I don’t know how much he’d have to eat to get a reaction.  What nutty things our puggies are capable of.

Everyone have a good weekend!

School here is delayed two hours because of less than an inch of snow last night.  Go figure.



aahh the Blue Gum Bandit.. Sometimes Skittles will pick up cigarette butts when we walk… disgusting!
But he does look pretty funny with it hanging out of his mouth.
We are getting light flurries here, but the temp is -6 with a wind chill of -12   (-12 celcius is like 10 degrees farenheit) (Yes the pug is under a blankie!!)
Happy weekend to all, stay warm, be safe!!



Thanks goodness you were able to get it out of his mouth or he’d have been blowing bubbles in no time short!



What these puggies are attracted to sometimes boggles the mind.  Huckle is right - xylitol is poison for dogs, so we have to be even more alert these days. Our very first pug, Puggy (very original I know) back in 1963, loved to chew gum.  My husband owned a gas/repair station and the night manager would bring the receipts to our house with a piece of bubble gum for Puggy.  He would chew it for a good 5 to 10 minutes and then, of course, swallow it.  At the time it was funny, but I wouln’t even think of doing that now.



Handomest Henry….GROSS Baby!!!  Ewwwwwwww…although the mental picture of him snatching up the gum, and his delight at the find, is priceless!

Sue VDB, you had puggers before I was even thought of!!  That’s sooooo cool!  I absolutely adore the story of your Puggy chewing his bubble gum!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Thank you to all of you for being who you are and helping the work week be much more bearable.  You guys really helped me smile during a tough week.

Also, today is my beloved Riley’s birthday…He would have been 12 today…now, I pray he is playing with his OBP friends at the rainbow bridge and still feeling how intensely I love and miss him.  Rest in peaceful, pain-free existence My Love…You are in my thoughts every second of every day…Momma, Your John, and Your Big Brother miss you more than words…Thank you for sending us Cole; He is a perfect fit just like you thought!



Handsome-est, that is!



thanks for the chuckle this friday mourning Corrine it brought back memorries of my very first pug Gwen every time I would take her for a walk she would pick up cigarette butts very gross and she would look funny but not healthy from there she went on to picking up rocks so to break her of the habbit I got her this little stuffed toy she could carry on her walks hope everybody has a great weekend



This is just further evidence of my axiom: 

If a pug CAN do it, they WILL do it.



Happy birthday Riley.  Your mama knows you are having fun and are as healthy as you can be, but the pain is still very real.  Give Bax and Cole extra big hugs today.

Karen B.


Heather, Riley is beaming ear to ear with a special puggy smile for you…He is at peace and romping at the Bridge!  Happy birthday little love!

I can just see Henry snatching up his “find”!  You’d think students would be smarter than that, huh?



sue - cleaver idea.  That must have looked sweet and funny.

Martha - great axiom.  I may have to steal it!

Sue VDB - you are so totally right. 

Riley, on your special day let your mommy know how happy you are and how special she was to you.  Some little sign even just peace for her heart.  You are loved, little one.

Peace and Pug hugs,
Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs

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