Monday, September 30, 2013
Blast from the Past
The boys have always loved to chew. When they were pups they were crazy about pig ears. Pig ears definitely aren't my favorite chew treat. They are greasy and become choking hazards very quickly. And in their youth Benjamin and Henry could eat an entire pig ear in under 30 minutes. Because of all these cons, we gradually weened the boys off of pig ears.
It has been about 5 years since the pugs last had a pig ear and the time that has passed must have lessened my dislike of pig ears. The other day I was in a pet store and saw a big pile of pig ears and out of nostalgia I bought Benjamin, Henry and Luna each one to see if they would still love them.
Benjamin, Henry & Luna were super happy when I came home with the pig ears, but boy have times changed. Instead of devouring their ears in less than an hour, the pig ears are still very much intact days later. Benny has been giving his pig ear a good chew a little bit each night. Henry is a little distraught over not being able to finish his chewie in one session. When he is done chewing, he paces around the house trying to find a place to bury what is left of his pig ear. Luna has been working hard chewing her pig ear off and on, but at the rate she is going, I think her pig ear will last for years!
sue wooding
I have always been afraid to give my gang pigs ears or any raw hide I am sure they would love them