Owned by Pugs

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I woke up with every intention to post something yesterday before our holiday celebration got underway, but somehow I ran out of time.

We definitely have a lot to be thankful for and one of the things that is high on my list is all the wonderful pug lovers I have met through this site. When I started this website, I never imagined that I would meet so many wonderful people.

Last night, as we were digesting all our turkey, we strolled down memory lane, looking at pictures and videos and there were lots of Solsey. Since today is black friday I thought I would share again one of my favorite videos of my one and only black pug.

The video is quite long, but it gets very interesting around the 3:40 mark when Sol gets in on the action and surprises us all with her cheerio catching skills. To me, this video embodies so much of Sol's personality. She was always up for anything and she never let anything get in her way. She could adapt to any situation. Her age, the fact that half of her jaw was removed or anything else never got in her way.

Catching Cheerios from obp on Vimeo.

Also, here is the original post.

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Shannon Stagg


BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS ON ALL PUG FLEECE ITEMS!  Our custom fleece is made, milled and manufactured right here in the USA!!  Support a small company, our products won’t disappoint!!



Awwwww Corrine, thank you for sharing Sol on this post-Thanksgiving morning…What a phenomenal lil’ lady.  Sitting here with tears streaming, she is truly a testament to living every day with grace and resilience. 

The gang has such great skills!  Love Miss Looney’s curly Q wagging every time it was her turn.  Too funny…at one point Sol was getting ready to catch and Henry walks right under her chin…she looks as though she’s saying, “Yo brother, love you and all but move your butt…my cheerio is coming!”.

The holidays are quiet here, just me and the boys, but all of my OBP family was in my thoughts and my heart.  I’m so thankful that you started OBP, Corrine, and so grateful to have the community that has formed be part of my daily life.  Don’t know what I’d do without it.

Miss you Solsey.  Big kisses to Hank, Benny, and the Miss.



Tears at the good memories of Solsey.  She was just the best little girl, and yes she was very resilient and up for anything that came along. Nothing seemed to keep her down.  Miss you so much baby girl.

Happy 12th birthday Romeo.  I love you and hope to be able to celebrate several more years with you.

Sherri Connelly


Thanks for posting this…My crew of 5 was like this when treats were being handed out. Sadly my crew of 5 became 4 as I lost my first black pug, Zelda. She died at home very suddenly and unexpectedly, and her loss is still felt in our home.

Your pugs bring me joy every day.



Happy 12th birthday Romeo!!  I know you are one lucky pugga to be loved by such a wonderful mom.  Sue VDB, give Romeo a birthday kiss from me!  Enjoy his special day!

Mary M.


Thank you for sharing this once again.  So wonderful to see sweet Sol.  And Luna’s constant butt-wiggle is a riot!



Loved seeing the gang cathcing Cheerios… All are so very precious
Have a good weekend everyone!



I loved watching the video of them catching cheerios and to see Sol I to got teary eyed and still miss her

HAPPY bIRTHDAY Romeo special hugs to you birthday boy

Have a great weekend everyone

pug mama


Awesome video!!!  Sol did have a hidden talent, never underestimate a black pug for sure!!!!

Hey, I can’t remember if I said this elsewhere, but if anyone uses walgreens.com for getting photos printed or gifts or anything, they have a promo right now, if you use the promo code THANKSGIVING through tomorrow online, you can get a FREE 8x10 collage print (3.99 value), upload your photos, choose background color and a title if you want.  I made one of all those favorite pictures of Abby that I have and it is absolutely PRECIOUS!!!  It really resembles the pages of the calendar but it is all pictures of my sweet baby girl:-)

pug mama


Doh!  I almost forgot, happy happy 12th birthday Romeo darling!!!  Abby sends you a smootch for your birthday:-)



Thanks for showing this today. I remember seeing it the first time it posted and it is so funny to watch them. I am holding Sir Luke as I am typing this, he and Genevieve and Mollie are glad the company is gone. They had a very tiring day being cute and adorable.
Sherrie, I am sorry to hear about Zelda. The same thing happened to our first black pug, Luke. He died suddenly in July. I know how hard it is. And Sue, Happy Birthday to Romeo from your pug friends in Texas.



What a great video! Love to see Solsey. I don’t mean to make anyone sad but the very first time I saw this wonderful blog was the day that Solsey passed. I knew absolutely nothing about her but I had tears in my eyes as I read what happened. So seeing Solsey with the gang brings a smile to my face.

Love to see the boys and of course Miss. Luna with her wagging tail. I love it!

Sue VDB~Happy Birthday to Romeo! Big smooches from me!

Sherri~So sorry to hear about Zelda. My thoughts are with you.

Brenda~sounds like Sir Luke is fitting right in!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Corrine - what a good life Solsey baby had with you.  What an uplifting (pun) video of the whole gang even if was eye leaking time BTW - watch out for Otters (Miami) Floridians! (You have an interesting state;).

Sue VDB - Romeo has three smooches coming from Abby, Gracie & Georgie..(aw right, Cooper too!)

Sherri - thinking of you.



Romeo thinks it’s cool he got the birthday wishes.  I told him about each of you and he rolled on his back for belly rubs.  He didn’t get his birthday cake because the Pup Cake mix had expired…my bad.  Have to make up for it, and I’m sure it’s ok with him.



sol is so cute.  it goes to show that it’s always worth challenging them b/c you never know!  plus, they feel so proud when they actually do it.  yay sol!

Karen B.


Great memory of Solsey and the gang!  Thanks for sharing…



I love these babies!!



What great memories of Sol and gang!  smile Being owned by pugs is something to be thankful for sure.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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