Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 27, 2008

Best Seats in the House

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Being the good Americans that we are, we have setup the furniture in the living room so every seat has a good view of the TV.  The pugs, however, have a different set of requirements for room arrangement.  They would prefer if every seat had a good view out the front door.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

The coveted spot is the arm of the sofa closest to the front door.  From there you have a clear view out the front door and the coziness of the throw pillows.


The next best spot is the back of the sofa.  This spot is only used by Benny and he loves that!  Henry is no where near agile enough to perch himself on the back of the sofa considering the sofa does not back to a wall.


Coming in third is the far clamshell chair in the living room.  It is the farthest option, but it does offer a clear view.

Since Luna doesn’t see too well, she rarely uses any of these options.  She prefers a center stage, front row seat on the rug by the door.  It always makes me sad because she loves to look out the door and I know she doesn’t see so well.  I wish the boys wouldn’t bark at everyone that walked down the street, but I love it when Luna spots someone out the door and barks.  It lets me know that she can see and that makes me feel good.

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They all look like pretty comfy spots to me!
so cute, and expressions are so soulful. 
Mr. Skittles barks at the birds and the occassional rabbit on our front lawn.  We are too far from the main road for him to see traffic or people passing by (thank goodness!!)
A great weekend to all!!



Sleighbelle has 3 favorite spots in the house.  Posted at the front door looking out, she loves seeing people walk by, the occassional cat, and even a car driving by gets her attention.  Next, she loves the back of the big chair that is in front of the den windows.  She arranges the throw pillows so she can climb up those to the back and perch there.  Finally, my office is in a front room with a wall of windows looking out to the yard and trees.  She loves to sit in my lap, and/or stand on the desk and look out.  There is always some bird action going on under the trees and since she believes she is a bird dog, she gives them what-for!

Enjoy the weekend everyone…may we all find our favorite seats in the house too!



Can I come live with you?  I’ll bring Biscuit and Rascal. wink  You house is so beautiful and comfy.  Oh, wait, Florida, heat, humidity….never mind, maybe just a visit when we come down on our Jan. trips. lol

Ya, know, it amazes me how many pics of pugs I see lounging on the humpy arm of a chair or sofa, or the back even.  Our sofa doesn’t have humpy arms, so that wouldn’t be an option here, but they could climb up on the back, but it just doesn’t seem to have occurred to them.  The place of choice for guarding the premises isn’t a place to lay down.  There is a chair that sits with it’s back against the edge of our front window (we only have one…window, not chair. lol)  and the guys love to stand up and watch for anything that moves!  And there’s plenty of human traffic since we live in row houses (connected) and have a clear view of about 10 front yards/porches. 

Of course, their FAV place to rest is in our laps, especially while we are on the computers, which is almost constant. lol Biscuit is content to just sleep, but Rascal likes to type, or chase my mouse pointer around on the screen.  Oh, and my screensaver is a pug, licking the screen, and he looks just like Rascal did when he was young.  We got the screensaver from the movie “Must Love Dogs” website.

Well, even though I enjoy weekends with David home (I’m not working this summer so it’s not much different for me.) I always get sad when I read the last OBP for the week. :-(  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  See y’all next week!



Unfortunately I don’t have good view doors.  I have a bank of windows in the living room with a sofa in front; however, the only time they pay attention is if they hear a noise.  They will get up and put their paws on the back of the sofa to look out.  Probably just as well, as there would be no peace and quiet at all.  Your pugs are adorable and all look so comfy - many blessing to them.



I love Benjamin and Luna right up close together…too cute…

Happy weekend to all.  Any seat in the house is a good one as long as there’s a puggie in it!  grin



judging by your decor, it’s nice to see that i’m not the only person to decorate around the colour of the shedding pug.

our guy loves any lap but if that’s not available the sunbeam at the back door will do so he can lay down and bark at the birds flying by.  his quilt and pillow on the couch is another preferred option.



So, OBP, did Mr. Benny survive the dreaded wrinkle cleaning?  Sleighbelle gets like that with nail trims and ear cleanings.  She thinks she’s gonna die, needless to say, she never has!  ha!



Incredibly sweet and outstandingly touching! Oh and BEYOND SPOILED!!! LOL!
My spoiled brats get to sit on the balcony and listen to the birds all day - Daddy is home right now playing doorman! LOL!

Puggles to everyone for a great weekend!



Mushu’s favorite spot is in our balcony, because we live in an apartment complex. We just got new railing so now he barks at almost everything. We used to have like a wall so he saw nothing. Now I am trying to teach him not to bark….very difficult.

I LOVE reading about your pugs.

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