Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Benny’s Vet Visit


As I mentioned earlier, Benjamin also had an appointment at the vet last friday. Our concerns with Benjamin were a nagging cough and his hearing.

A month ago, Benjamin had a similar nagging cough and the vet determined that he had an upper respiratory infection. A round of antibiotics cleared things right up. Last week, his cough returned, and even though it didn't sound quite the same as before we decided to take him to the vet just to rule out an infection. Our vet ruled out an infection and said that the cough sounded like it is trachea related. To help Benny, we are going to try out a cough suppressant and see if that helps.

As for Benny's hearing, we have come to the conclusion in the last week or so that Benny can not hear. Benny has had selective hearing his whole life, but lately he has missed some auditory cues that would have never slipped by him. The sound of the refrigerator door opening. The sound of a zip lock baggie opening. The clinking sound the dog bowls make. He has slept through these sounds on more than one occasion in the last week. A hearing Benjamin would never miss any of these things.

The vet checked Benny's ears and his canals were clear and there was no sign of infection. His "dullness" in hearing is being classified as degenerative and being chalked up as part of Ben's aging.

Having 3 aging pugs with health problems is emotionally taxing. The only bright side is that Sol gave us great pointers on how to handle trachea problems as well as hearing loss. We have already started teaching Benny the hand signals that we taught Sol, so that we can communicate with him in a different way now. And let me just say, Sol picked up on the hand signals a lot quicker! But, I know, Benny will learn them in his own time.

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


As pugs age they walk into a different realm and are very endearing, but they also come with issues as you are experiencing.  You are being one fantastic mom and they are very blessed to have you.  Don’t like the results of Benny’s vet visit, but all will learn to adjust.  We simply keep on loving them and giving them our very best, all the while enjoying them to the fullest. Just as people age, we may not be able to do what we used to, but are ever thankful for what we still have.  I think the same applies with our puggies.



I am very grateful to Benny, Luna and Henry and the entire OBP family for sharing all your experiences.  My 13 year old Meiling is aging and I am comforted to hear how everyone deals with their problems. Thank you!



Aww, Sweet Benny.  If we could only stop their time clocks, freeze their youth.  On the plus side, they don’t seem upset as much by their aging as we do.  They just go on from where they are.  Abby is only 9, but I have noticed just this year that she is not hearing like she once did.  I will get up from the computer, step over her and she won’t move a whisker.  It took a while for me to realize she wasn’t hearing me.  Just one example, but it was distressing when I understood what was going on.  It’s much easier in humans to know there’s a problem.  Case in point, my husband and I constantly saying to one another, “huh?” “what?” “huh?”, although selective hearing may come into those exchanges somewhat.

This may sound dumb, but how do you go about teaching them hand signals?  What commands do you choose?  I, ah, still find voice commands a challenge.

Sue VDB, that was a very thoughtful post.



aging brings many changes to humans and animals one thing never changes the love we have for them

Hellen Norton


Sweet Benny and Mom…..getting older makes changes in all of us (even Humans).

As a 72 year old human I have all the time ringing! Is not too bad but I think Dakota hears it sometimes also! She gets next to me with one paw on my shoulder and her little head against my ear!!!!



Selective hearing is a Puggie trait afterall, smart little buggas.

Baby Benny, I know you will age gracefully and although Sol has you beat in expediency, I know you’ll be a star pupil.

I know the constant worry of loving our seniors. That’s all I can say without getting way too emotional.  I will say, pugs are the most resilient pups I know.

I’m thrilled to report there have been no more “incidents” with Baxter, praise God.

I’m actually heading to my follow-up in an hour.

So here’s to all clear for all of us!

Love and prayers for everyone at OBP, main AND extended family!



God bless our Baby Benny.  You are an excellent Pug Mom, Corrine, and I know that you’ll find the best possible path to help Benjamin.



Everyone has already said everything I was going to say. Benny is in the best home possible to care for an aging pug. You are doing the best Corrine and I know you already know this but we are all supporting you!

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