Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 16, 2013

Benny’s Special Fur Growth Meds

Free Form Fatty Acid

I posted last week about Benny's impressive fur growth spurt after we started him on some new meds. Here is more information on the magic little pills that we started him on:

Free Form Snip Tips
A Free Form Fatty Acid offering maximum potency of EPA and DHA.
Omega-3's for Small Dogs and Cats

We purchased these from our vet. I believe they were sold as a supplement and a prescription was not required. They have worked wonders for Benjamin for his fur issues. Take a look at his fur patch now (and Luna photobombing the shot).


As with anything, talk to your vet about these before you start giving them to your pug.

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Minnie, Mack and Mario


Thanks for posting.  We were certainly interested.  A quick check with the vet, of course!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



That is AMAZING!!  And you gotta love that adorable little Luna!!!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Wow!  After all this time Benny almost has a full patch of hair.

And, little Luna, you can photobomb anytime you want.  We love your adorable little face.

sue wooding


thanks for the info Corrine I will be sure to ask my vet about it as Cuddles has two patches and its been four months and no fur has grown back

pug mama


Thanks for this post!  Benny you are looking so great, it’s amazing!!!!! smile

Sue States


WOW! Do you think it can work on humans? Will check with my vet-HAHA. Benny glad your mom found something to get your fur back. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

mushu's mom


That’s amazing growth.

This is available on Amazon. smile

mushu's mom


So do you give this instead of fish oil?

btw It has perfect reviews on Amazon.



Wow!  Very impressive!

My hair isn’t as thick as it used to be.  Do you think…..?

Jennifer Moulton


It’s like a miracle pill for him!!!



I can not believe how Benny’s hair has grown in! That is truly amazing!

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