Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 24, 2013

Bath Time

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Three stinky pugs all corralled and ready to get scrubbed up.

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

As usual, Benjamin is most interested in what is going on with the drain. Every since he was a pup he has had an odd fascination, or fear, of drains and sewers. As a pup he couldn't even walk past a sewer without his belly hitting the ground out of fear. He has gotten a lot better over the years, but he still takes a wide berth anytime he comes near a sewer.

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


They look resigned to what is coming.  Benny you crack me up with your quirks, although you probably don’t think they are at all funny. 

I’m curious… how do you get them all cleaned at the same time in the shower?  How do they act?



Little Luna looks like she’s ready to lead the charge outta there!  C’mon, mom!  Let us out!  grin

xoxo   Patty

Jennifer Moulton


Pinky-pants and Jadey Old Lady got this treatment just this morning!  Now they will smell good for all of 10 minutes!



They all look so cute in there! Poor Benny.

I was on facebook this morning and there was a post from Mr. Pug and Mr. Other pug of three very familiar looking pugs sitting on a white bench with bandanas on. Can they do that? Just curious.

For those celebrating Memorial Day, have a safe time.



Three pugs at once?  Someone’s brave.  Benny, don’t fret over the drain.  Stuff goes down it Sweetie, not up and, no, you won’t be washed down it either.

Need a bit of positive thinking sent this way.  Cooper2 had a biopsy yesterday on a cyst that two weeks of antibiotics didn’t fix.  Since we went through this with Cooper1, you can understand our concern and nervousness, even if he is a Boxer.

Gina, just got back from taking Georgie to the “pincushion doctor” in Mich. so will go check out Facebook and Mr. Pug and Mr. Other Pug for the fearsome three.  Thanks for the heads-up.



Bath time is always fun time I can’t imagine washing all three at the same time
Huckle please let us know the results of Coopers biopsy

have a great weekend everyone

Hellen Norton


Sweet Pugs!



Huckle,  I’m so sorry about Cooper 2! Definitely keep us posted!
I was just wondering about Georgie and the pin
Cushion doc. How is he doing?

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Huckle, prayers going up to St. Francis for Cooper 2.  You, and he, don’t need any bad news.



Gina, the pinchusion vet is very excited over his progress.  He said Georgie was a different dog when he first went.  And he’s right.  Georgie is a different pug.  His appointments are now two months apart.  For Georgie, it’s a long period of time to get “pork sausages” from McDonalds and he’d probably not mind going every week.

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