Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 16, 2006

Bark For a Cure

Benjamin in his Bark for a Cure shirt

October is breast cancer awareness month and Benjamin, Henry & Luna thought they would show their support with their new Bark For a Cure t-shirts.  Luna loves to prance around in anything pink so she was quite happy with her new shirt.  The boys on the other hand, weren’t so happy with their new pink duds.  But after I explained things to them, they decided they were manly enough to sport their new pink shirts.

Henry in his Bark for a Cure shirt

Henry in his shirt

Luna in her Bark for a Cure shirt

Luna showing off her new shirt.

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Tell the boys I totally understand. I thank them for supporting this great cause.  Give them a great big hug for me.



Luna looks so pretty and for a good cause too!  Guess maybe the boys would like white or blue with a pink ribbon design!!!

Liu Lover!


Boys.. You’ll get used to it. Why? For heavens sakes, you live with women. We like pink, so we automatically think everyone should wear pink. How many women do the boys live with?



As a breast cancer survivor, I say a great big thank you to three wonderful pugs!  Things such as these t-shirts keep focus on something very important, but they do it in a very fun way, and I love it!  Thank you!



Thank you Pugs for keeping awareness alive. By the way guys, REAL pugs DO wear pink. You are all too cute!



Thank you for this guys. Unfortunately I’m going through treatment for breast cancer right now. My puggies have been amazing, staying with me every moment, not being rambuntious when I’m in bed and always cheering me. An interesting note: Lola lays at my head, Edward at my feet and Grace in the middle. They didn’t do this before chemo, but every day since the 1st one. What do you think that’s about? Love to you all!



Love the Pink!  They all look so gosh darn cute in those t-shirts.

Kelly, I have heard that animals (must ber dogs) can sense illness/sickness.  They really are comforting you, bless their little puggie hearts!
I wish you a speedy recovery, keep us posted.

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