Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 10, 2013

Backup Brother

Luna and Benjamin

Luna was feeling a little bad about telling everyone that Henry is her favorite brother last week. So she took a little time to smooth things over with Benny this weekend. She let him know that if no lap is available and Henry happens to be busy, she would be more than happen to hang out with him. Benny responded by giving himself a big scratch. And Luna promptly let him know that this is why she never sits with him. He is way too fidgety!

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Ha,ha,ha, so funny. I notice they are back end to back end.  Neither one looks very enthused.



Miss Luna looks cute no matter who she’s hanging around with.  Divas are like that!  grin



Yep, siblings.



That is so funny. Benny looks so round in that position and it looks like Luna is laughing at a joke. *sigh… I love dogs.

Super cool dog story… there is a local rescue called hearts, hands & paws and it’s where my sister got her current yorkie from. Well the lady who started the rescue was driving on an interstate or highway and there was a dog on the side of the road. No one was stopping to help him and so she stopped. When she tried to get the dog to come to her, he ran the other way. Well she turned and was getting something out of her car when she heard the dog bark. She turned around and he was right by her and he barked at her. So she went to him and he ran a little bit and then turned and barked at her.

So she followed him. And he led her to his human who was in her car down a hill! She had driven off the road somehow and the dog was in the car too and he managed to get out and look for help! The human was ok and the dog and the woman helped her. How amazing is that?! Think of what the dog must’ve been thinking?!!

I really love stories like this!! Who doesn’t!!



great story Gina and happy ending

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Gina, what a beautiful story.  Dogs are AMAZING.

Hellen Norton


WOW Gina what a beautiful story!!!!

Luna really loves both of her brothers…but to keep them Happy she takes turns hanging out with each one!!!



Gina, I knew you wouldn’t post a sad story so I was intrigued to read it.  What a story you did tell.  Aren’t dogs amazing!  Great story Gina.

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