Owned by Pugs

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back to the Beach

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

We went to the dog beach last Friday and the pugs were super excited to be at the beach again. Fall is perfect beach weather for the pugs and as soon as their paws hit the sand they were off to the races. Luna was particularly excited and ran a few extra laps.

Benjamin, Luna and Henry

With the better weather, we have been walking more and able to take the pugs for more car rides. They are very excited to be out and about again.

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Love the pix.  Wish my pugs and I were there with you!  I see that Luna obliged you by actually posing for a moment this time.  smile



Love the pics…that 1st one is just darling, good lil’ puggies posing together!  I am so jealous.  I put the heat on for the 1st time this morning and am already seeing the money fly into the oil tank…why, oh why, do I stay living where it is cold more than warm?!?!?  OBP Gang, take me to the beach!



Ahhhhh, is that a shark in the water in the first picture.  Eeeeek!

I’m with you Heather.  Can you imagine the freedom to walk the beech and let the dogs run.  Maybe there are houses on Corrine’s street we could all buy - now wouldn’t that be a trip!  (Did you catch the look of horror on Corrine’s face? smile

Pug hugs
Huckle chuckles
& Cooper’s a pooper



The pugs look to be in seventh heaven, running around, making footprints in the sand.  The top picture is priceless.

Huckle, you have a sharp eye.  What is that in the water that looks like a fin?

I’ve got heat on this morning as well.  Even though I have good insulation, a new efficiency furnace, good windows, I still bundle up, and when winter gets here will be cold all winter.  If I can’t move into Corrine’s neighborhood, how about Pensacola where my niece recently moved?



The beach pictures are beautiful. The pugs look like they are having a blast. It is nice and cool here in the am in Central Tx., but so far haven’t had to turn the heat on. We have crazy weather here sometimes, last year on Christmas Eve we had a blizzard of all things.



I love how happy and excited the Pigchildren always look to be at the beach!  Great photos:D

Karen B.


Okay, that’s it!  I need to make a trip to the beach.  It’s about a 2 1/2 hour trip but I think I’ll pack up my little Mom and make a day trip, at least!



I’d love to take Biscuit and Rascal to that beach.  Maybe we could meetup with the OPB gang next time we come down to Florida. 

Sue VDB, The Pensacola area has some beautiful beaches:  Destin is gorgeous.

The shark is actually a pole for you to tie up your pugs while swimming to be sure that don’t swim too far, or get carried away in the current.  I can’t believe y’all don’t know this!?! lol wink

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Corinne, do the kids get in the water or just run around in the sand?



I love the pics they look so happy to be at the beach do they go in the water? that would be a nice picthe weather here in Florida has been so beautiful like Corrine said I noticed my gang like to just go out and lay down when it was so hot all they did was go out do there thing then right back in to the air Huckle thanks for the chuckle this mourning



Love the pictures…they all look so happy smile



Brenda - so what’s so exciting about a blizzard?  grin)

Karen - did you get to the beach? If not, get your Mom and go. I envy you all who have them close (relatively) by and allow canines.

Karen B.


Huckle, haven’t made it yet but the yearning is always there, so we’ll get over there one day soon!

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