Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

At the Inlet

Benjamin and Henry

The weather here has been gorgeous, so we thought we would take the pugs and G-Ma to the beach. I tried to get a shot of the pugs with the lighthouse in the background. As you can see, some pugs were more cooperative than others. grin


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Luna - but Mom, there are adventures to be had at the beach, and it has been a long, long time since we visited.  I don’t have time for some stinkin picture by a lighthouse.



I love Looney’s expression in that pic…It looks like she is cracking up over her shenanigan’s…*giggle*...Hank, you’re looking very handsome in purple…my favorite color!



Luna is definitely chuckling over something.  They must all be in a good mood since G-ma arrived to spoil them.  Luna is back to pink, I see, and I love that purple on Henry.  I think Benny is relaxed in his red and knows where Puffy is safely stashed at home…unless G-ma brought him a new one?  That could present a problem for Benny.

Pug hugs,
Huckle chuckles &
Cooper’s a pooper



What beautiful pictures. I love lighthouses. Heather, it is good to see you back and I hope you found out that Sir Luke is at our home and doing quite well. He came with a beautiful harness that is black with gold brocade. It is certainly fit for a “Sir Luke”. Made me realize I need to get a new one for Queen Genevieve (she is the queen bee,big dog and boss around our house)And Huckle your posting yesterday made me laugh, my grown children look at me like I am nuts when I say Pugs and kisses to them or something about Sex, Pugs and Rock and Roll at my house. They just don’t get it. Really there are just pugs at my house, not much sex or rock and roll. Just saw that on a tee shirt and thought it was funny.



Brenda, looks like someone gave Sir Luke a great “going home” present.  You sound absolutely thrilled about him.

Kim, if you are reading this, please give us an update on your new baby, Violet.  How does Lilly like her?



Love Luna’s diabolical expression!



Thanks Brenda…and I also meant to say thank you to everyone else for yesterday’s warm welcome back…my head is still not in the game over here…

I haven’t caught up yet so I totally forgot that your Gotcha Day with Sir Luke happened while I was away.  YAY YAY YAY!  This is fabulous and it sounds like he is certainly dressed fit for his wonderful forever home!!  So happy for all of you!  Enjoy every second!



I love the pictures the gang look so happy at the beach and I bet they are loving G’Ma being there spoiling them I noticed Henry had a purple pappia yesterday did Miss Luna get a new pink one
Grannygoogs sounds like you have a lot of insects around just like Florida to many I really don’t like them much the fire ants are the worse



Temp is really too cold now to go to the beach!! Plus we had some wind over the weekend and the swells are something else!

It is so nice to see the gang enjoying the outside!

Karen B.


Wow,jackpot!  Lighthouse, beach, purple, and pugs!  All my favorite things in just 2 pics!  Luna, your expression is hilarious…You go girl!



Great pictures!  The boys look so handsome and little Luna looks likes she’s laughing smile  Must have been a fun trip.

pug mama


Little Luna, proving again what an independent little spirit she is-luv ya girlie!!!



Pat - meant to tell you, we heard one of your countrymen in concert over the weekend - Gordon Lightfoot.  The first half of it was disappointing but the second half was more like he used to be (I think he was noshing on some of GG’s brownies!)  Glad we went though.

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