Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

At the Dog Park

Benjamin at the dog park

This weekend we went to the dog park so Benjamin, Henry & Luna could get out and run around a bit.  The great thing about the dog park that we went to is that there are plenty of trees in the park, which means plenty of shade.  This was great for the boys and Luna because it is still pretty hot here in FL.

There were a handful of small dogs there when we arrived so there were plenty of playmates for Benjamin, Henry & Luna.  The boys, of course, took to a Pit Bull puppy that was rescued from the pound.  This made me very nervous at first, but she was a real sweetheart and they made great playmates (she could handle the boys tag teaming her).

Luna found a couple of little dogs her size and chased them around for a while.  I snapped a lot of pictures of her playing, but they all came out blurry!  I guess I will have plenty of pics for the bloopers.

After playing for a bit, Henry made himself comfortable on a bench at the park and kept watch over everything that was going on.

Henry sitting on the bench

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I have a wonderful pit pull mix dog that was
dumped at our house. (Lucky for us) She is the sweetest most even tempered dog I have ever had. Our little female pug, Genevieve, puts Molly in her place and lets her know that she is top dog. They all play just great together. I think Molly wishes she was a pug. She wants to be a little dog so
bad. I have always been afraid of pit bulls
too. But I have to say, she has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Corrine - OBP


You know it is weird.  I have never been afraid of Pit Bulls.  I have always been one of those people that is like “It’s the dog not the breed.”

But, for some reason I was a little nervous when the boys first started playing with the puppy.  It was her first time at the dog park, her owner was a bit nervous and I didn’t want my boys to be the ones that tested our her temperament.

But, in the end it was just me being overprotective.  They made great playmates!

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