Owned by Pugs

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ask OBP #20


Welcome back to Ask OBP. We think we are up to date on the questions thus far. So, the most recent question that has come in is as follows: Lori asked if the pugs ever did or do now lick their feet a lot.

Yes, Lori. We went through a spell where Benjamin, in particular, would tenaciously lick his feet. We discovered that it was a seasonal allergy thing. The others were occasional feet lickers, too, but not as much as Benny. Overall we discovered that a little Benadryl for the Benny boy during the peak of the allergy season would take the edge off the persistent licking. That was a good question! You may want to consult with your vet about Gracie's licking. Sometimes it is a behavioral issue and not a medical issue. And we never pretend to be vets here at OBP, but we sure do share some mixed up medical stuff! Good luck with Gracie and her tootsies.

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Nature has imbued the pug with amazing natural camouflage abilities in his native habitat.  He is able to blend seamlessly with the local biologics and rest comfortably, knowing he is invisible to possible predators.



Thanks!  Will need to try the benadryl.



Oh mi gosh, I thought I was the only one who called their pug’s feet tootsies!  lol My Angel wasn’t much of a tootsie licker as she licked the air. What I called Licky Licks.  But that was only before bedtime. She would do that for a good 10 minutes or so, then off to sleepies.  grin



All hail the Pillow King!!



Benny “trying” to be invisible!!  love it smile

sue wooding


I would like to know if they ever got into a tiff with each other my gang get along great but every once in awhile they tiff with each other



Aw Benny Baby, comfy knowing he is safely hidden from the world, not.

Christie Sachde


Ok…don’t think we’re too strange but my husband and I call their front paws “mittens” and their back paws “puddles”...smile So, Vito and Luigi both lick the heck out of their puddles and mittens! Both have allergies and not just seasonal…I give them medication almost every day for it! It can get to be a bit much at night while we are trying to sleep so my husband found this “rain music” on his phone which is basically the sound of it raining and he plays that to drown out the licking!



We’ve had some spells with a lot of licking, but never long enough to need to address.  Whew!  It seems we’ve had to address just about anything else Bennie can think of to do!



Christie, if the pups are on the bed licking - - Detergent in the linens or softner sheet residue might be a problem.  Also “scotch guard” on furniture upholstery/rugs - - -just say’in.  Known that stuff to affect kids and pets.

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