Monday, October 12, 2015
Ask OBP #12
Hi Christie! Thank you for carrying the weight of Ask OBP! We love your questions! And you have some doozies! It sounds like our pugs have little in common with your pugs. This is so odd to us, though! We have found that pugs have so much in common. But I have not heard about a pug licking hair! Actually, our pugs would lick our faces UNTIL they got to our hair and then they would start again from the chin up. Your pugs licking your hair seems so funny to us! Are there any other hair-licking pugs out there?
So, we will tangent from the pugs licking hair to Cupid chewing our hair and biting our scalp. This is one of Cupid's favorite things in life. She prefers to do this right after a shower with wet hair and then the bonus of fresh dried hair topped with hair spray or some other product. Oh she LOVES that! We are convinced it is that behavior that got her kicked out of her original home. She "wouldn't stay out of the baby's crib" was the reason listed for giving her up. I can just see her hoping in the crib with a sweet newborn post tear free shampoo bath! Oh, she must have gone to town on that kid! First, she sniffs then gently paws the head. That is followed by a harsher paw where she spoons the hair into her mouth. The final blow is when she buries her face in the hair and tries to get a mouthful which often includes scalp! Yikes! And in her younger days she may have given an extra back claw to the head finale. After her hair show was over, she would literally roll over as if in an over pleasured indulged coma. So, nope on the pugs, but a big yes on the cat!
Do/did your pugs play with toys past puppyhood? My pug loved his toys until he was about 1 1/2, then if it wasn’t food, it wasn’t going in his mouth and wanted nothing to do with it.