Friday, May 2, 2008
As You Wish
Now that’s a request with which I can easily comply!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Now that’s a request with which I can easily comply!
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A virtual kiss to that beautiful girl! That should be a Valentine’s Day card for sure!!! Happy Weekend to all in OBP land!
Luna is a “smoochable-poochable”! I love to mack on my babies….Big smooches go out to Miss Luna too!
We also love to smooch our furbabies. Rascal doesn’t mind so much, but Biscuit can almost be heard saying, “Mom! please, you’re embarrassing me!” lol
Have a great weekend everyone!
Awwwwwwww! OMG! Luna is completely adorable!
Miss Luna I would shower you with kisses if I was there with you! What a babe!!
Sure wish I could kiss you, but since I can’t I’ll ask your mom to give you a bunch for me. My BoPeep loved all the kisses one could give her, never got tired of them. My Romeo tolerates so many and then lets me know enough is enough.
Luna has such a cute face.
I bought the Eco Dog book and I love all the projects in there. I am going to make some of the sock toys for Brandy. She likes the loofah toys so I think she will enjoy the sock shape. Thank you for recommending it.
Glad to hear that you like Eco Dog, Linda. I would love to see some pics of the sock toys that you make for Brandy. I love the book and wish I was better at sewing so I could take on some of the larger projects.
LOL! I love the note about liquidating assets before the dr appt! Too true… Pics of the ‘kids’ are adorable. I check daily, as Luna reminds me a lot of our Maggie, who passed almost exactly a year ago. We stay busy with our ‘boy’ Angus though! He and Benny sound a lot alike in personality. Although both of our ‘kids’ are/were black pugs. Take care and have a great weekend, all!
Your pretty girl has such a “come hither” look on her face! Lots of kisses and hugs to her from Bennie and me.
Precious, dreamy little Luna! She has an adorable face!
Hi, you have been tagged by Louise (the pug) in an internet meme! Come check out her site to get the details. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Yes, she’s cute, adorable and precious - that’s a given. But did anyone mention “sexy”? I believe Luna could be the next Victoria’s Secret model! All she needs is a little pink “teddie”!
STORY IDEA: Long time no see! We wish you all well. Vinny
Pet Rescue Fund Raising for the 21st Century
Vinny the Pug’s Million Dollar Pet Rescue Fund Raiser tour
WHO: Vinny the Pug Enterprises is a Phoenix based software developer and producer of popular consumer goods bearing the likeness of Vinny the Pug. VTPE has formed TEAM VINNY, a co-operative of pet rescue groups throughout the U.S. and Canada who are taking part in developing new pet rescue fundraiser models.
WHY: The popular fundraiser models of the late 20th Century are proving deadly for sheltered pets in this post 9-11 economy. With a declining economy and eroded dollar, pet rescues can’t depend on receiving adequate donations to run their operations. As a result, outdated fundraiser models are causing thousands of healthy pets to be put to death everyday.
WHAT: Team Vinny is rolling out 21st Century pet rescue fundraising models that are especially designed to counteract the effects of today’s crumbing economy. Team Vinny members are able to keep 25% to 50% of their sales at fundraisers selling popular Vinny the Pug themed products provided by VTPE’s west coast partner
WHEN: Team Vinny is preparing to embark on a tour of 100 cities in the U.S. and Canada on a quest to raise $1,000,000 to donate to pet rescues in the form of $300, $500 and $1,000 grants. In each city, Team Vinny will administer pet rescue fundraising seminars and conduct joint fundraisers hosted by local pet rescue groups to demonstrate how to raise thousands of dollars even during the worst economies.
WHERE: Team Vinny is kicking off their hundred-city Pet Rescue Fund Raiser tour from the city of New Orleans. TV’s inaugural destinations include Texas and Florida to visit San Antonio Pug Rescue, Dallas/Fort Worth Pug Rescue and Central Florida Pug Rescue. Team Vinny will perform fundraiser training for the city’s pet rescues.
HOW: Pet rescue groups who are interested in helping to develop new pet rescue product fundraising models are invited to join Vinny’s Team. Membership is only open to 100 groups that have a solid pet rescue track record. All dog and cat breeds are eligible to apply.
Though joining the team does not ensure a visit to every member’s city, it does entitle each member preferential pricing and access to all of Vinny’s popular consumer goods to use for fund raising plus Internet based training, support and marketing assistance.
Team Vinny is currently accepting applications for membership through July 31, 2008. For information, send an email to Allen Kimble, Jr. with Team Vinny in the subject box to: or
Visit website:
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Kiss me!! I’m cute!!