Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Arachnoid Cyst


Benjamin's CT Scan last week revealed some interesting results. The CT Scan showed that Benjamin's spine and discs are in great shape, however, he has an intradural arachnoid cyst. I had never heard of an arachnoid cyst and the specialist informed me that it is actually a pretty rare condition. In the 13 years that our specialist has been practicing, she has seen this condition in less than 10 cases.

It's my understanding that arachnoid cysts are also hereditary. There is a good chance that Benny has had this condition since he was a puppy. It was probably so small at that time that it did not cause him any discomfort. Now that the cyst has grown in size, it is putting pressure on his spine and causing him a lot of pain.

Surgically removing the cyst is a possibility, but not our best option. The specialist informed us that arachnoid cysts are very slow growers. However, removing it surgically causes its growth rate to drastically increase. So, in the short term, surgery is a great option, but it is not the best in the long term.

Right now, Benny is on a course of steroids to help with the inflammation caused by the cyst. Hopefully, that will help him feel better and increase his mobility. However, staying on steroids is not a viable option either. So we need to figure out the smallest dose that keeps his inflammation to a minimum and most likely cycle him on and off that. This treatment with require a lot of trial and error to get the right dosage.

Right now, the first round of steroids has Benny feeling better. He is walking much better and is back to lifting his leg when he pees which is a great sign! Benny not lifting his leg to pee was definitely something that raised a red flag for us. The only thing that would be more out of the ordinary for him is not eating. And now that he has been on steroids for a few days his appetite is stronger than ever!

The other piece of news that has me very concerned is that a chest x-ray revealed that Benjamin has a collapsed trachea. When I spoke to the specialist she described it as more of a "narrowing", but when I read collapsed trachea on his diagnosis sheet I almost hit the floor. I learned all I need to know about collapsed tracheas from Sol and I can't imagine going through that again.

Right now we are adopting a wait and see approach to see how Benny responds to the steroids. I will keep you updated as we know more.

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Lots of hugs and puggie juju for Benny! He has the best care and know he is in good hands!

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and Mario



Wishing you all the very best——- you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Nancy and Meiling

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Sending lots of prayers (and bootie sniffs from Pen and Lucy!) that you will find the right dosage and Benny will continue to feel better and better! Oh, the bootie sniffs are for Benny, not you, Corinne-although I wouldn’t put it past Pen to sniff ANYONE’S bootie,



Lots of thoughts and prayers going out to Benny and his parents.

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


Benny, our thoughts and prayers are with you.  We are claiming, for you, much improvement with the steroids and that the narrowing in the trachea either resolves or remains just a narrowing.  You are much too precious to have to have these complications.  Corrine, our thoughts and prayers are with you also.



Baby Benny, sending up prayers now! Just wait for Aunt Sue VDB, she will get a hold of St. Francis for you! We love you Benny. Corrine, sending positive thoughts and prayers for you too. Benny will come through with flying colors!

Pug Hugs and love from Bella & me!



WOW!  OBP family, you are all in our thoughts and prayers.  Hope the steroids work their magic and Baby Benny will be himself again smile
Pug hugs and snorts from us!



sending up some prayers Benny will be better with the steriods

Jennifer Moulton


OH Corrine!  As soon as I read that paragraph about Benny’s trachea, my heart dipped.  I can only guess how much you must be thinking of Sol right now.  But I am sure she is up there watching down on Benny Bag o’Wrinkles and sending him smoochies, just as we are from NH.

Good luck with the steroids and we love our Benny baby!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


In Your infinite wisdom, Lord God, when you created ther Universe You blessed lus with all living creatures.  We especially thank You for giving us our pets, who are our friends and very often helps us get through trying times.  Kindly bless (name).  May (name) continue giving me joy and remind me of Your Power.  May we realize that as our pets trust us to take care of them, so we should trust Youl to take cre of us, and in taking care of theml we share in Your love for all Your creaturesl. As we go through this difficult time with (name), please guide us to help him/her and give praise to Your glory to heal (name).

Good St. Francis, you loved all of God’s creatures.  To you they were your brothers and sisters.  Help us to follow your example of treating every living thing with kindness.  St. Francis, Patron Saint of animals, watch over (name), and keep him/her in your loving, caring arms for healing. Please pray to our Heavenly Father that we may see improved health and healing of (name) if it is His will. 


Simply say your own prayer to St. Francis to intercede with the healing of your pet.  Sometimes those prayers from our heart are the most powerful. These heartfelt prayers of my own seem to have helped me the most in dealing with my furbabies.

St. Francis, please watch over Benjamin.  Intercede for me with our Lord to relieve Benny’s pain and help him to breath with ease, and to once again become the best he can be. Also I ask for comfort for his family.  St. Francis, as the Patron Saint of animals, God will listen to your pleas if it is His holy will. St. Francis, I rely on you for my petition.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Please excuse the typing errors.  My fingers are numb and typing has become quite the effort, and even though I try to catch the errors as I go, my eyes miss them.  I sincerely apologize.



Benny, Benny, why must you worry us so.  I can imagine what you are going through, Corrine but on an upbeat, Georgie has a collapsing trachea but you would never know it anymore.  Keeping him on the cool side in hot weather (probably harder for you in Florida) and not getting him riled up and over-exerted has kept that problem at bay.  Your experience with Solsey was horrendous and makes this diagnosis for Benny all the more worrisome.  However, if Georgie, who has everything in the pug world wrong with him, can be kept comfortable, Benny may be as lucky.  Of course we are praying very hard for him and his comfort and for you and yours as well.

Sue VDB, your prayers are so calming in a time of fear and such a guide as we search for the right words.  Thank you for posting that.

In a lighter vein, Lucy and Pen’s Mommy - Bootie sniffs,eh.  LOL



OPB family, I wish you all the best. Healing prayers for all the puggers that are ailing.  Hugs from NJ.


Steve Lindhurst


My prayers go out for Benny.  Don’t know what else to say, my Pug, Dolly has a flat trechea according to our vet and it scares me to death when she can’t catch a breath.  I am definitely praying more prayers.



So sorry to hear the news about Benny.  Best to you and Benny - get well for your mommy!



I’m just now checking OBP, and I am so sorry to hear about Benjamin’s test results.  Two pieces of bad news at once is horrible.  My prayers are with Benny, too, that the steroids are very successful-in a small dose-to control that cyst.  And his collapsed trachea is ever so scary.  My prayers are coming for that, too.

Just take one day at a time, Corrine.  And you’re in our prayers, too!  Love to you and your gang! ♥♥♥

Sue VDB, your prayers are beautiful.  Thank you!

Julie L.


sending love your way from Michigan

Kathy L.


Corrine I know you’ll have the best for Benny.  How fortunate he, Henry, Luna and Cupid have such a wonderful, caring and observant home.  Smooches to all! Four and two-legged grin

I agree that Sue VDB’s prayers are beautiful.  Thank you Sue for typing those all out.  Inspiring.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Thank you everyone.  I find a great deal of comfort in pray.  I have been very fortunate to be a good recipient of prayer.



Best of luck with the steroids. When we got our little rescue, Augie, about 18 months ago, he turned out to be heartworm positive and there was a shortage of the treatment medication. He had to be on steroids for quite awhile and, boy, did it increase his appetite! They said not to feed him any more than normal, but how could we not when he sat in front of the door to the food and cried! Now we can’t seem to get the weight off. On the flip side, though, he developed some very manly whiskers. lol!



Even though I don’t have dogs, I understand what you’re going through with Benjamin.  Not knowing if the medication will help is heartbreaking because these dogs are our children. Prayers going to Benjamin in hoping that he has a full recovery.



God Bless you Bennie. I will keep you in my pug prayers. You are Adorable Pug Baby. smile
May God Heal and restore your health very soon.



I am sorry to hear about Benny. I am currently going through the same thing. My 11 y/o pug googles was given the same diagnosis. We are waiting to see if the steroids work. She showed Improvement at the beginning but as we taper her off the medicine she is beginning to regress. Please keep us posted on Benny’s progress. I really do not want to opt for surgery but not sure if there is ny other options. Lovings & blessings to Benny.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Diane, I am praying that Googles get the best possible results.



Thank you so much. We will take any and all prayers we can get. They are much appreciated.



Hi, can you update me on how your pup is doing?  My poor sweet Frenchie has an subarachnoid cyst on her spine.  We are contemplating surgery next week but the neurologist is concerned because she could potentially be paralyzed if the surgery doesn’t go exactly as planned.  We started her on steroids yesterday and the difference is amazing!  She is able to run again and has not had a single pee-pee accident all day!  She can actually do her pee pose, and go again without dribbling while she walks. I"m just concerned the steroids are too good to be true… any advice on your experience would be greatly appreciated!  Oh, the DR also said she clearly has congenital defects on her spine and that is where the cyst has formed.



I’m sorry to hear about frenchie. I know your mind is going crazy right now. So for googles, the steroids were too good to be true. She gained a lot of weight and eventually the steroids starting affecting her in different ways. We weened her off the steroids completely and turned to holistic medicine. At first we consulted a vet in Colombia, SA. She prescribed her a couple different meds. We had a family member bring the meds for us but I eventually found them on amazon. What a world a difference. She became more active and lost weight. She still has her bad days but he spirits are much better and she’s back to running again. She’ll never go back to the way she was but I’m grateful that she is doing as good as she is. We are giving her glucosamine, calcium, traumel, and discus. These are all over the counter meds and like I said I was able to find them on amazon. One is an anti-inflammatory, pain med, and the others are for joint support. I hope this helps. Let me know if I can help in any way.



Btw when I said googles was running, Meant she can run short distances, like to the door. Which is much better than before when she could barley walk. Her back legs still drag but she can hold her own with the other two dogs I have.



Thank you Diane for the information!  My Frenchie seems to be doing better, I just don’t know what to do.  I’m praying, praying, praying that we do not have to go the surgery route.  If we do not do surgery then I guess the cyst just stays there?  That doesn’t seem good either.  I will do ANYTHING for my baby, I just don’t want her to be in pain.  My husband and I have so much to think about.  I’m just praying we make the right decision.

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