Thursday, May 21, 2015
Another Trip To Daily Grind
We took Henry out to eat again at The Daily Grind. (It will probably be our last trip there, though. It really is not healthy for us. Or for him. It left him with bad poops. #SadFace) But why I am sharing these 2 photos is because I think one is funny and to get feedback on the other. In the one photo Henry, with his paw on the table, literally looks like he is requesting better service. That cracks me up.
It's the second photo is the questionable one. Should we have blurred out his privates?! Seriously, Henry, do you need to get so excited about a hamburger?! Do any of ya'll's boys have this issue? I mean, we are happy that Henry is on the upswing, but really? He should have some manners. Especially in public! Good thing the crowd that night was on the other side of the path!
#HamburgersMakeHenryTooHappy #HenryIsNotOnViagra
sue wooding
I think Henry was just excited for his dinner even though my Zeke will sometimes do that just while he is sitting have no idea why