Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Annual Exams
Last Monday, in the midst of Luna's bladder woes, the boys' had their own appointments at the vet for their annual exams.
Both received good reports and received their latest rounds of shots.
Benny has had a very itchy face lately and a quick swab of his wrinkles and a peek under a microscope revealed that Benny has a nice little yeast infection in his wrinkles. So, we are being much more diligent about cleaning his wrinkles. We are using Malaceb wipes and also cleaning his wrinkles with a solution of water and white vinegar (50/50). So far, the frequent cleanings seem to be helping Benny. It sure isn't easy being that cute!
Henry had a blood panel run since he hadn't had blood work done since 2008. Go Hank! He has definitely been the healthiest of the bunch. We got his results and his BUN levels were slightly elevated. However, in 2008 his BUN levels were also high. The latest bloodwork had his BUN just a few points higher. The vet is not overly concerned, but we will have Henry's bloodwork done again in about 6 months just to check on things again and make sure there is not a bigger issue.
Other than that the boys are doing well. This visit was their official 10 year old checkups.
Good to know the boys are doing well!
I hope Luna improves soon!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala