Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Annual Exams

Benjamin and Henry

Last Monday, in the midst of Luna's bladder woes, the boys' had their own appointments at the vet for their annual exams.

Both received good reports and received their latest rounds of shots.

Benny has had a very itchy face lately and a quick swab of his wrinkles and a peek under a microscope revealed that Benny has a nice little yeast infection in his wrinkles. So, we are being much more diligent about cleaning his wrinkles. We are using Malaceb wipes and also cleaning his wrinkles with a solution of water and white vinegar (50/50). So far, the frequent cleanings seem to be helping Benny. It sure isn't easy being that cute!

Henry had a blood panel run since he hadn't had blood work done since 2008. Go Hank! He has definitely been the healthiest of the bunch. We got his results and his BUN levels were slightly elevated. However, in 2008 his BUN levels were also high. The latest bloodwork had his BUN just a few points higher. The vet is not overly concerned, but we will have Henry's bloodwork done again in about 6 months just to check on things again and make sure there is not a bigger issue.

Other than that the boys are doing well. This visit was their official 10 year old checkups.

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Good to know the boys are doing well!
I hope Luna improves soon!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala

Minnie and Mack


Way to go, boys!  You guys and our Mack are about the same age.  His BUN levels were a little high last week as well, but not too bad, so they will be watched.  He is also very itchy but his folds were OK.  He’s on RX’s for now.  Once we get a good freeze, his allergies usually quiet down for the winter!

Please keep us posted on Luna’s prognosis.

Drools and licks,
Minnie, Mack and foster Mario



this is great news keeping good thoughts for everyone.



I’m glad the boys are ok.  Hope Babygirl Luna has good news soon.  xoxoxox   Patty



Awesome news about the boys vet check ups!!!  we are keeping our fingers crossed for good results for Luna!

Thinking of all of you… take care

mary castagnoli


Glad to hear that the Henry/Benny Team scored so well on their exams.
Bella goes in for another nail trim today and I KNOW its only been a couple of weeks since the last.  Its like she has nails on steroids and a couple tend to curl under and head straight for her little foot pads.  I wonder if I painted them w/polish if they would grow slower???  It always seemed to me that my fingernails didn’t grow as fast when I wore polish on them.  This is a thought I won’t pursue, however, as I’m sure chewing nail polish isn’t the best a pugger - and chew it off she WOULD!
Hopeful that Sweet Luna continues to improve and her innards return to normal.
SUE VdB:  I’m sure you were frustrated at the postponement of your surgery - but getting your sugar levels back down will ensure a faster healing process for you, I would think.  So - here’s to that and hope you are able to get your elbow repaired quite soon.

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


Congratulations on the good reports on Benny and Henry’s health.  Now, for Miss Luna and Sue VDB to get everything fixed and under control.  My male fawn pug Snuggles, had his exam in September and both he and my female black pug Sassy had to have a shot of steroids and 10 days of antibiotics due to allergies and scratching.  Both have improved.  Living in the South with all the heat, humidity, and the dreaded fleas, it seems like the babies are forever scratching at something.  So far, the boxer mix, Dixie is not having any excessive itching.  Of course she is just 7 months old.  She is my grand dog.  Snuggles is 6 and Sassy will turn 5 on 10/14/12.  Well, for someone that doesn’t usually comment, it looks like I have introduced myself and my babies.  I do love reading each comment and feel like I am connected to each of you.  Have a blessed day.



Janice~Nice to hear about your family! Your babies sound wonderful!

Glad the boys had a great checkup! Pip always had wrinkle problems in the fold above his nose. We had special meds we used and it helped a lot. Bella doesn’t have wrinkle issues but she is very itchy. She takes prednisone three times a week. Hoping the freeze that is coming will settle her itchies. If not, I’m thinking about acupuncture since Sue VDB and Huckle have had success with it.

Is that pretty Luna’s reflection in the door behind the boys? Continued prayers for Miss. Looney Tunes!

Sue VDB~Hope you can have your surgery done soon. Thinking of you!

Bella is snoring so loud right now! I love it. The house is so quiet since both girls are at school! And Mama is gettin’ sleepy! smile

Pug Hugs to you all from Bella & me!



I used diluted Witchhazel to keep the girls nose folds clean.  I don’t know HOW they can get so dirty, but they certainly do!!

Yeah for the boys!! I can’t believe - 10 years!!

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


OK, kids.  I’m at sea here.  What are BUN levels?  I can’t think of anything to fit that although assume the first word is ‘blood’?  Glad to hear of a good report for the boys at least.  You say Benny smells like a pickle?

This will sound like I am putting you all on, so hesitated to mention it, but the first night after we learned of Luna’s health issue, the pugs and I were sitting in bed praying and talking it over and Georgie lay down, crossed his paws and put his head down.  The girls just sat looking sad.  This is not normal bedtime behavior for them as they usually roam over the bed, check under the covers, nose under the pillows looking for treats.  Somehow, I feel, they knew the gravity of the situation.

Sue VDB, didn’t see your comment about your surgery being postponed.  That ends up being such a weight still on you when you want to tidy things up and get them over with.  Here’s hoping next week your numbers will fare better and you will soon be mending.

Mary, I have a pug with toenail issues like Bella.  I often think that I could cut Abby’s paws off (gross thought) and her nails would continue to grow.  It’s so embarrassing when she goes to the vet and her curling toenails look as if they haven’t been cut in a month of Sundays.  The vet did say something about pug’s nails being a two toenail deal whereas the bottom nail grows and curls under and the top nail just grows.  I had not heard that before, has anyone?

Smooches to Luna.

mary castagnoli


One of the other pluses about being part of the OBP family (besides keeping up w/H,B, L and C) is getting to know the other members of “the Fam”.
GINA:  You are always the bubbly one - giving smooches to all the pugs and so heartfelt in your comments to everyone.  I just wanted to follow up on your Welcome greeting to JANICE today. I was, also, quite happy to read about Sassy, Snuggles and Dixie.  So - thanks for that and please chime in more regularly.
HUCKLE:  Nice to have a partner in painful paws with the over-growing toenails.  I’ve even thought about have the curly ones removed - (I wouldn’t - but I think about it - but I WOULDN’T) - But Bella makes it sooo hard for me to even LOOK at her feet, that I’m afraid she may get into a real issue with her ingrown’s before I’m aware that something needs to be done.  It’s just me and her at home - and I really need a 2nd party to help me hold her.  She is may be a bit of a chunk - but her muscles are STRONG.  I just always wind up feeling like I’m roping steers out on the range when I try to hold her against her will.  I’d probably do better with the steer (more to hang on to).
And Sue VDB:  While you may not be feeling up to typing (I read up on your elbow issues and it’s sometimes referred to as “Mouse Elbow”) so - don’t further aggravate the area by feeling compelled to respond in type - just know we will all be more comfortable knowing that YOU are - so we’re rooting for the surgery to happen as soon as possible and you to re-coop and have relief from the pain you’ve been experiencing from this.



Handsome and healthy, that’s the combo we like!!!!  Yay boys!

Looney, time to follow your brothers’ leads sweet one!

Janice, nice to meet you and your gang!  Welcome to the ever-loving, beautiful OBP family!

Huckle, I don’t doubt your story at all. Pugs are more in tune than most humans I know!

Sue VdB:  continued prayers for you. Better to be safe although I understand your frustration with the delay. Imagine a big OBP family hug surrounding you!

Love you all!

Heather, Baxter, and Cole!



Good report Boys and handsome as ever
Janice glad to meet you and your family
Huckle one of my pugs Zeke his nails grow so fast I have to take him to the groomers every three weeks and Toby my black pug his nails don’t grow at all he has never had to have his nails done they are so short

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Benny and Hank, good job.  Looney Tunes, now it’s your turn.

Janice, nice to hear from you.  Please continue to post.  We are one big family who care about each other.

My surgery has been rescheduled for October 9 at 10 am.  I will be sure to connect my pump completely.  In the 11 years I have had a pump, this is the first time I have done this, so I know it was for a reason. I don’t have a lot of actual pain, but it is uncomfortable, and I’m readly to get this behind me.

Thank all of you dear people for your prayers and support.

Hellen Norton


Oh My!  Glad everything seems fairly well with the gang.



Hats off to Hank and Benny for good checkups!  After Benjamin’s stinkles are taken care of, they’ll be good to go : )

Janice, it’s nice to *meet* you!

Huckle, I believe your dogs did understand the serious prayers being offered.

Sue, Again, I say you’re my role model with how you handle the hard stuff ♥



God Bless them all and also their owners.
Pug hugs from a Georgia Pug Lover.smile

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