Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 29, 2012

All To Herself


Don't let her size fool you. Luna can be quite the bed hog. It's hard to believe but she takes up most of this king size bed every night. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in strategy. She isn't the biggest of pugs, but she sure does know how to position herself to occupy about the same amount of space as a Great Dane.

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aww sweet luna you warm my heart,love you little one.



As I lie here clinging to the edge of my queen bed, two snoring Puggers spread out, I smile. Looney looks quite pleased with herself!



What a doll you are Luna. Where are your brothers?



lol… how true!!  Doesn’t matter where they sit, or lie… they need lots of room.  Silly lil puggers!!!



I thought she looked quite pleased with herself too! What a sweet baby! Snuggling up to you right now sounds perfect!

Pug Hugs to all from Bella, Susie Dog & me.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


This cracked me up, it is so funny.  All that bed, so little time!



I have 3 pugs and they will wake me up at night pushing on me for more room!!!



The sweet little Princess of Strategy has won total control of the bed!  She does look happy, too!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Lunas, you seem to have quite the wicked smile on your face. 

I don’t quite have the problem with bed hog pugs.  I sleep in a sofa recliner.  My left side is up against the left arm.  Annie and company either sleep on my lap/chest or anywhere else on the sofa, so I am never pushed around, but rather unable to move with Annie, Missy andFrankie on top of me. That said, there are occasions when I find one leg dangling on the ground. 

Annie won second place as Little Red Riding Hood at the pug meetup Howl-O-Ween contest Saturday.

Huckle, + Abby, Gracie, Georgie


Oh Sue VDB, that is terrific! WooHoo! Did you make a picture of her so we could all see how cute she really is.

As for your sleeping arrangement, one dangling leg is only for starters.  This may be a long process to shove you off limb by limb and claim your bed spot for themselves.

Mary M.


You go, Miss Luna!  It’s so funny that such a small baby can commandeer so much space!

Sue VDB, please post a picture of Miss Annie Fanny as Little Red Riding Hood- we would all love to see it!!



Luna you look so small on the big bed
I didn’t get owned by pugs in in emails today



Sue VDB I want to see apicture of Annie as little miss riding hood

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Huckle, lol, you may be right.  Annie has taken Romeo’s place in claiming my seat on the sofa, only she is not as cooperative in moving over when I wsnt to sit down.

I will send a piclture of Annie Fannie.

Hellen Norton


Oh Luna you deserve the best bed in the house!!!!

sue states


Ms Luna gives meaning to: big dog(attitude) in little dog body! pug hugs & sweet dreams from pastor sue & the colorado 2 p.s. congarts annie-bet you were very cute!

queen bed


Nice Post.Reading this site lot’s information me.

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