Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

After bath aftermath

Benjamin, Henry & Luna each got baths on Sunday.  They were quite smelly so not only did we bathe them but we washed pretty much everything they come in contact with, which meant the house smelled really good on Sunday.

After his bath, Benny always gets fired up and runs around like a wild man.  Here is a little video of him running around the living room.  At around 16 seconds you will seem him stop and smell under the laundry room door.  There is blueberry bread behind that door!

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God is he sooooooo cute!  My Riley does the same thing after bath time!!  You have a beautiful home!  Hope they got some of that blueberry bread for being good in the tub!!



Sleighbelle acts like this after her bath too!  When I am trying (please notice the “trying”) to dry her off some with a towel, she thinks this is the start of Growl-Time!  She is growling, and trying to bite the towel; then, when I let her loose, she is a crazy person, running and stuff.  I hold the towel out and she comes running after that, growling and grabbing it, and trying to run off with it. 

Bath time is a total entertainment extravaganza!  I’m exhausted by the time it’s all said and done, but the reward is a super soft and good smelling pug!



I absolutely love watching pugs run like that!  My friend’s little girl calls that “running hot laps”.  So funny when he interrupts his laps to stop and smell under the door.



oh, they make me laugh so.  My little girl “SPIRIT” used to do that all the time.  She would go so fast her back legs couldn’t keep up with her front.  It was like a psycho run.



Super adorable…!



We call it “a nutty”...hehehehe



LOL when Benny stops his mad house running to sniff under the door.  Hope they were all rewarded.



Is this a Pug thing?  While I don’t own a pug, my daughter and my brother both do, and their pugs do the same thing after a bath!!



I LOVE IT! I love when they do the “butt scoot freak out!” My benee does it too! Frankie not so much but he’s learning! I chase them with the towel!
So precious!!!



Made my day! I love that you share your babies with us.
Aren’t pugs wonderful!



At my house this is called the “dog crazies.” Now that I am a 2 pug household, it involves one pug chasing the other, also using the furniture as an obstacle course. It is great when they come from behind a piece of furniture and I discover that the one previously being chased is now the chaser!



Soo cute!!  From everyone’s comments, it seems like our puggies do alot of the same things.  What I considered different, now seems normal in the life of my pug! because other pugs do the same things as well.  Thanks everyone for sharing your pug tales!

Karen B


Toeby will jump up on the couch and roll around like crazy.  Then goes to the carpet and does “nose dives” trying to dry off, I guess!  C.J. hates to be dried so I wrap the towel over him, head and all, to keep him from nipping.  He’s growling and biting at the towel the whole time.  They are soooo funny!



You doggies are soooo cute, you can make a puppy sling carrier for it. I did one for my Pug.

check out my page at


(it’s a video) do leave comments! thanks



my pug does the same thing after a bath.  so weird.  i wondered if other pugs did that too and now i know.  so weird.  do you think they are drying themselves off or happy because they are all clean?  haha.

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