Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Luna, Benjamin and Henry

We had beautiful weather last week and the pugs got to go on lots of adventures. Here they are being goofballs and only sorta posing at one of our favorite walking spots.

I think Henry was heading off to search for more gum. He came across a big piece on our walk and was not pleased with me when I made him "drop it". I don't know what it is about Henry, but if there is gum within a half a mile radius, Henry will find it for sure.

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Great picture!  Looks like they had a fun time smile



Pugs can be the silliest, and do the silliest things.  Don’t you wish you knew what went on in those pug minds?  Gum must have some kind of magnetic attraction for Henry.

This is a great picture, and the background is beautiful.



I wish I was at that park right now!!  Woke up this morning to a wind chill of -20   BRRR!  I know some of you experience colder than that, but I was hoping it wouldn’t get here so soon!!

Henry, you little scavenger!  Too cute!

Everyone be safe and stay warm!

Minnie and Mack


That’s a beautiful lake behind the group.  We would love to be in your weather!  Right now it is 19 out, brrr.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



What a fantastic picture. They all look wonderful!!

Pug Mama ~ please tell us how you are.

Hope everyone is doing well.



what a beautiful picture they look like they are having a lot of fun



I’d name this picture “Pugs in Paradise”!



We have some gum on our carpet.  How about it Henry?

Sue VDB, speaking of pug minds, wouldn’t it be funny to know that they have the same communication…I wonder what goes on in that human mind!  They probably joke about how they have trained their human to fetch them a snack, etc.

Take care Pug Mama.

Hellen Norton


First so glad you guys are back. Did not see any post last week and missed the gang.

The four legged group seems to really enjoy the outsides. HOWEVER bet they would love to be inside with there coats on and laying by a heater if they were in “ice land’ (Oregon). No snow but it is really cold and my old bones are not liking it at all!!!

Daughter Karen is planning on going down on the 30th or 31st to pick up Dakato!!!! Dakato is going to be “fixed” next week and will need a little time to recover. Karen has the first days of the week off so will go and the Pug Hearts will bring her to the airport. She is so small she can fit under a firstclass seat in her carrier so will not have to be locked up.
I have been marking off the days on my OBP Calendar.

Happy New year to all!!

pug mama (aka Jen)


What little boy isn’t in love with his chewing gum???  Silly Henry raspberry

I’m hanging in there.  I went to stay with a friend for the last 6 days, and her internet was down so I wasn’t able to update.  By the way, Thank you Gina and Huckle for the cards, they were very touching and much appreciated.  I will always be pug mama, even if my baby is now an angel.  I hope to find another pug within six months or so, because the silence is deafening, I need me some pug snorts!



Hellen, I know you are getting really excited about Dakota, and I think all of us at OBP are counting the days with you.

Jen, I think another pug is just what Abby wants for you.  She probably already has one picked out for you to love.  I now understand why you didn’t respond.  You can reach me as svandeberghe on gmail.

Granngoogs is very sick and I know she would appreciate prayers for her.



OMG, what is it with pugs and gum???  Our Ruby will find some gum, and chew it and stretch it and love it (with happy snorts) until I take it away.  Then she looks all sad LOL.  She doesn’t swallow it, but boy does she make a mess!  And if she finds gum somewhere once, every single time she passes by that spot she has to check, in case more appears.



DancesinGarden, what a funny story.  Give hugs to that Ruby girl.



love this pic they look so great.

Lilo N me ( aka Gwen)


Pug Mama, Sue is right.  Just like Gigi, brought Dakota to Hellen and the Pipster brought Bella to Gina, Abby too will guide the right little pug to you.

I know what it’s like to not have those little snorts, and snores around.  It feels like something isn’t right with the world, and i’m all out of sorts.  This is the reason I hardly go anyplace on holidays unless Lilo can come too.  When i have had to take her to the kennel, i try to make sure i can get her as soon as i get home.  It feels too strange to try to sleep without her.

Sue we are sending love, prayers and hugs for Grannygoogs.

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