Monday, November 7, 2005
Act 1: The Ride
On Sunday, the weather was fantastic. It wasn’t too hot or humid so we thought it would be a great day to spend at Dogwood Park. Dogwood park is an enormous dog park with all kinds of fun stuff for dogs. The only problem is that it is 89 miles away from our house. So, needless to say, we don’t get there very often, but when we do we have a blast.
Luckily, the boys do very well in the car and enjoy going for car rides. They seem to like the rides much more now that they have their doggie seat belts and are allowed to ride in the back seat. Before they rode in the very back part of our SUV in a crate so they would be safe.
Even though they like to ride in the car, they knew they were going to the park and the anticipation was keeping them from resting like they normally do in the car. For the entire ride Henry sat on the floor in the back with his head on the armrest asking, “Are we there yet?”