Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Saga of Benjamin Proportions

Well, I always like to preface a long blog with the following: pull up a chair; it’s going to be a doozy. It’s going to be a long story (even though I am trying to make is short).

Before leaving for vacation, Benjamin was experiencing what I considered to be allergies. He had been licking his feet, scratching his ears and rubbing his face into the back of the sofa. We had noticed that one of his lower eyelids was a little droopy and that one of his jowls was a bit puffy and hanging lower than the jowl on the other side of his face. We didn’t think that much about it as initially we thought the face swelling had to do with his dental issue that we tended to before we left on vacation. Then, while in the mountains of North Carolina, Benjamin did not experience any of these things. This furthered my suspicion that Benny has allergies. This suspicion was even greater after we arrived home and his eyes got all goopy and he started squinting. He also had swollen wrinkles, and that eye droop was back. He was in such rough shape that I had to take him to the vet. The vet noticed not one but two ulcers on his corneas. (One on each cornea, that is.) The vet gave us some drops and said to come back in a week if he hadn’t improved; and stressed that if he was worse that could be indicative of a more severe problem.

Benny was better in a week. No worries. Well, about another week the later, the same symptoms start cropping up again. This time, since I already have a trip to the eye specialist for Luna planned, I call and ask if I can tack Benjamin on to the appointment so we can get a better idea of what is going on with him. “Of course,” they share. So, I tote both Benjamin & Luna to the eye specialist (which, as you know is no small jaunt; it’s about 50 miles away).

So, there we are at the eye vet with Benny. He has an ulcer in his left eye. They are of the mind that it is self inflicted. They ask the questions which demonstrate my poor supervisory skills:

  • Has he been scratching his face? (Duh, yeah)
  • Has he been running his face into the carpet or into furniture to scratch? (Um, of course)

Then embarrassingly, I try to conceal his mile long toe nails on top of it all….

So, the eye specialist loads him up with a variety of drops (3 different ones) and a gel (just one). Shortly after that, though, comes the icing on the cake: the cone! (I guess, I should have said the ice cream came next because the cone would make more sense to go with ice cream than cake.) Well, Benny can barely make it around the house and neighborhood coneless let alone wearing a satellite dish around his neck. Good grief.

Yet, home we go with Benny, the coned dog, and Luna who is just happy as a peach not be the wearer of the cone.


Oh, holy cow. I almost forgot one of the best parts…Benjamin has to go back the next day for a follow up! Really? Hate to sound like a whiney baby that won’t do anything for their kids, but we did just get back from vacation so I have taken a bit of time off work lately…and now I need to take back to back trips to the vet where each round trip is at least 3 hours? Aw geez.

In the meantime, Benjamin had another appointment that afternoon with our regular vet about the droopy/swollen face issue. The eye specialist could not see any link to the squinty/goopy eye to the other maladies. I had updated our primary vet on the status of Benny and shared what the eye vet had to say. After some consideration and an exam, the primary vet, told me to ask the eye vet if she would consider a condition called Horner's Syndrome. Horner's Syndrome is not a disease it is more like a combination of symptoms that when linked together can be indicative of a number of diseases/conditions. So, the most simple is no known cause, to relatively simple such as a middle ear infection or severely problematic of chest or brain tumors.

With that philosophy, the primary vet attempts to examine Ben's ears. Well, lovely, they are filled with impacted fur. So, now this is even more where the "I'm a bad mom" guilt sets in. His ears are filthy. So filthy actually that he needs to be mildly sedated to have them cleaned. So, the ear cleaning is scheduled, as well as a toe nail clipping and a head/chest X-ray.

Here is my promise for the future:

I will be a better mom about cutting his toenails (even though they grow twice as fast as Luna’s & Henry’s); I will be sure he wears the cone when needed so as not have him scratch his face so much that he puts an eye out (for you "Christmas Story" fans, that should raise a giggle) and I will be sure to stay on top of his ear cleaning (even though he is by far the worst at this task---as the primary vet put it during the exam when speaking to Ben, he said, "Boy, you strong. Like bull.")

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Baby Benny, oh my!!!  Corrine, I can identify with everything, esp the pug momma guilt. It’s hard to keep up with all their crevices!!  Praying for healing of those peepers Benny. Bax sends his special support since he went through the great ulcer saga earlier this year.  Kiss to you handsome!



poor Benny there is the old saying when it rains it pours hope Benny is feeling better soon poor baby and I think you are a excellent mom Corrine give Benny a hug for me



You are an excellent Mom.. Will be praying for Bennie to get well quickly.



my goodness..Benny!!  I did laugh when I got to the part about “the cone” and figured there would be a picture of Benny in a cone.
Hope you are on the mend sweet wrinkly lil man!
Hugs and smoockes for a quick recovery!
(Corrine.. you best pug momma eva! Don’t you forget it! xo)



Poor Benny. Why is it some dogs just seem to have more goop than others? My pug Spencer always seems to have ears full of gunk and I swear he deliberately stores gunk in his nose wrinkle. My other pug Katie seems to always have clean and clear ears and wrinkles. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Benny so he won’t have to wear “the cone of shame” (as they say in that movie—what was it? Up?)



Poor Baby Benny.  I do disagree with the “bad mom” you have inflicted upon yourself Corrine.  You are an excellent pug mama.  Life sometimes gets in the way, and we are not always on top of things. We are not perfect, and while you are as close as I have seen, it still applies.  I am sure Benny will be fine

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Corrine, you make me laugh.  And not just because of the cone of shame picture!  Your sharing of this story makes me feel like I am actually a normal pug mama!  Jadey’s ears are gross right now and her Stinkle is at it’s stinkiest!  But it’s hard to keep up with all of her hygiene issues when some days I’m lucky to get myself clean!

You are one of THE very best pug mama’s I know!  Rest assured that even at Benny’s itchiest, he is still SUPER DUPER lucky to have you!!!!



I agree with what everyone is saying: Corrine, you are the best pug mama! I like how Heather said “crevices”! That cracks me up!! It is hard to keep up on all that with one let alone three! I pray that Benny heals quickly and handles his cone of shame perfectly! It’s all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone.

Pug Hugs to you all from Gina & Pip

pug mama


There is nothing simple about these puggies, is there?  They truly are one of a kind.  And, no Corrine, you are not a bad mommy, just a busy mommy.  Abby’s toenails grow like weeds too, and she goes psychodoggy if I try to do anything, so she goes to the vet for sedated nail trims.  And the eye ointment for dry eye and eye doc routine.  And 3 pills at various times for her coughing/trachea issues.  And a left ear that loves to get infected, no matter what.  And she is now deaf.  And she is falling apart at the seams.  But I love her to pieces, despite her regimen.  I would go batty if I had 3 of her.



I used to read about the boys and little girl and think oh if only I could take care of my Oz like that. I’m glad you’ve been demoted to only “excellent” in your care of those sweet and wonderful pugs.

Obviously, so many of us have gone through similar difficulties with our babies. My last one was a trip to the vet to have his nails trimmed since they were CURLING! Oh my, how embarrassing.

It’s amazing that so many of us that are owned by our pugs feel a love for your three even though we’ve never met in person. You’re an inspiration to me to at least -try- to keep Ozzie’s nails trimmed and uncurled!

sue states


LOL!!! You had me at the adventure of the cone. Beauty was given one post spaying and because she is so small, they had to tie a “bow” around her and the cone so it would stay-even though it still wobbled around. Hope all Benny needed was a good ear cleaning and all his symptoms disappear for good. Corrine you are a great pug mommy and I have never thought of ear cleanings but will get it on the list! Pug hgs to all from the colorado 4



Awwww, never beat yourself up!  You are a wonderful Pug mother and I really hate how Vet’s make it seem like you aren’t trying your best when you are.  We all know the truth.

In hearing about this Horner biz I am a little afraid for Tina and will be doing some research on it myself.  She has a lot of the same issues as your baby and this scares me.

Poor guy in his cone!  I laughed very hard at the picture though, even if I feel for him its full of win:)



Ah, this hit home.  Our Sophie has runny eyes, rubs her head on things & me, licks her feet and has long toe nails & sensitive tummy!  I always put most of these symptoms down to allergies too.  And take heart, it’s not being a bad mommy to not be able to keep up with dirty pug ears! The tubes are so twisty & folded its hard to get in there.  I spent way too much on cleaning drops the last time at the vet [ and I still don’t do it as much as i should!]



Corrine, I agree with each one of the OBPers.  How could you ever get the idea you are a bad pug mama…work on the ledger on the other side to see which side is longer…..I know and so does everyone else.  Why else would we give our eyeteeth to be one of your pugs as most of us has said at one time or other?

Now for Benny.  There are soft cones you could get if he has to be wearing the e-collar for some time.  Can’t you just imagine what he is thinking.

I cracked up over the mile long toenails and the condition of the ears.  Mine never get sick at the right time and I end up feeling like you when the vet has to see the condition of my poor pugs.  They could at least get sick when everything has just been attended to.

I’m just one of your fans Corrine.  There are so many more out there!



OMG!!!! With all of that said…..child (dog) services should be knocking at my door any minute!!!! lol…..!!!!!



I’m very late to my computer today, and as soon as I saw the word “saga” I worried what kind of tale it would be.  Poor little Baby Benny wearing the cone of shame.  I’m sure he’s getting a lot of TLC from everyone! I have him in my prayers to get better fast.

And when the day comes that you’re truly described as a “bad mom” is the day the SPCA will go around locking all of us up! Because you’re the best there is!

I did smile at the picture you described of Luna being happy as a peach not to be the wearer of the cone : )  And I love the description of Benjamin being “strong like bull!”  They are determined little fighters when they don’t want something done, aren’t they!

Minnie and Mack


My goodness!  Poor Benny.  I just learned a few pug medical problems from reading your blog.  Now I know what to look out for!  Mack loves to rub his face on anything that is nearby.

We send lots of pug juju Benny’s way!  Stand strong, little one.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Julie L.


It’s been said already, but I think you are a fabulous pug mama too!  And just as human as the rest of us.  At least for the long return trip to the vet, you don’t have to worry about a snow storm (we had one here in MI this week).  My Henry hates having his nails done, so I’ve decided to let the vet techs do it.  Costlier, but so much quicker and easier on all of us.  Also—kudos on Luna and the eye treatments.  QUITE a routine, but grand success!

Patty B.


Rocky, too, developed an ulcer on one of his eyes and I’ve finally finished chasing him around the house for the past 10 days administering anti-biotics and eye drops and have also gotten over saying, “What did I do wrong to make him develop an eye ulcer?”

As far as his toenails go, and they do go (or should I say grow?) a long, long way…now that Halloween is over and he’s finished dressing up as Howard Hughes, I made an appointment for him to have a mani and pedi! 

We humans are all the same.  We try our best to maintain their upkeep, but, since they don’t have opposing thumbs and can’t take care of their own hygiene, it’s clearly up to us to tend to all their needs.  Don’t beat yourself up…we’re all busy and a bit lax sometimes.  I don’t think our pugs hold it against us, do you?  Corrine, you’re a super pug mom and I’d like to think that we all are.

LiloNme(aka Gwen)


Oh Dear Benny, you are one handsome sporter of the cone.

You are not a bad pug mama at all.  You are human.  Lilo too is itchy and scratchy about this mask of hers, and her ears.  A little bit of benadryl seems to go a long way with her. That and her burrow solution for her ears. She is just a little allergic girl, just like her mama, or so I believe, so I will have to google this Horner’s syndrome.

As far as the cone, I keep meaning to, and i think I am going to order a comfy cone from Pawhaus Pet Boutique ( they have an add over here to the left——-> ), just in case we should ever need one.  I ordered Lilo’s cooling vest from them this summer and was very pleased with not only the product, but also their customer service.  Plus they are pug owners too!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon Benny!!
Love and pug hugs from Lilo n Me

Corrine - OBP


Thanks for the kind words everyone.  I appreciate it.  Benny is hanging in there and so far the pugs have been as cooperative as possible in their new grooming routine.  Thanks, as always for your support!

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